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TRUE - Day 1 - Motivate

The word motive comes from the Latin words motivus, meaning moving, and movere, meaning to move. Think of motive as the thing that moves you to act.

Take a deep breath in.

We are doing this.

We begin by setting the tone with a gentle and foundational practice. It’s 24 minutes of solid set-up for you to dip your toes in and lean into learning.

This series will offer strength and stability like no other if you remember you are here to learn and love yourself.


Not to work out.

But, expect to see transformation in your body! Oh yes, you will!

Welcome my friend, it’s Day 1.

Today’s theme is MOTIVE.

We often rely on motivation to come from an outside source. But what if you realized that it could come from within?

We begin with focusing on motive because aligning with the reason why you are here sets the tone for what you will experience on the journey.

If you are here to smell like a fart and feel lousy then you will likely accomplish that.

A student’s motive to go to school is to learn.

What is your motive for join TRUE?

Now, wait! Stick with me!

If you do not know your MOTIVE yet - that is 100% OK!

It’s perfect.

It will likely reveal itself and feel amazing when it does.

If it does.

We are here to uncover and circle back to that feeling of… you.

The true you.

The real you.

So, ask yourself, what is it you seek?

To love yourself.
To get healthy.
To answer the question, “Who am I?”
To accept your truth.
To tune into the harmony of the globe.
To be free.
To feel strong,
To laugh.
To become liberated.
To gain more compassion.
To reach a higher consciousness.
To get ripped.
To just make it to day 30.

Again, you don’t have to know anything today. It’s all food for thought. The tools of yoga offer an entry point and do not depict the end point. However, your intention does inform your ride.

Could you be open to the fact that you already possess everything you need to align with whatever your motive is?

Today’s practice also offers a nice invitation to slow down, open the shoulders, find your legs, and get used to breathing deep-like.

Ohhhh, I am so excited!

This project is curated with so much love and inspired by all of the amazing information I receive via the community and this unique experience.

A TRUE once in a lifetime opportunity.

Thank you for being here.

And we are off.

Or should I say, in?

I will see you tomorrow for Day 2 practice! (36 min.)

It’s a good one. Trust me.

With Love,


PS: HERE is your free calendar!

91 comments on “TRUE - Day 1 - Motivate”

    1. Hi Adriene, today is my frist day ,and I come for peace and learning to love myself and to do be free, and learn to laugh more and today I can honestly say I feel a little calmer and I can’t wait to do it again tomorrow thankfully that I found you on YouTube Adriene see you tomorrow

  1. Thank you for youand your words. I believe in everything Adriene had to say. So empowering with just the choice of words used. I recently lost my father, and have lost myself along the way. Everything you had to say are things I say to others and don’t take my own advice. It was so good to hear someone say them to me. I am grateful for my friend Pam, who shared your 30 day challenge with me and encouraged me to participate. I’m a few days behind, but I am not worried about that because I know I am right where I need to be. I cried at the end of day one, truly honoring of my spirit, and letting go of the pain I feel, I am thankful to be apart of this journey and invite myself to look inside for guidance, and create a team of like minded people for growth You Da Bomb Girl, you’re beautiful, and namaste ✨✨

  2. I need some mental stability. Grief over a recently-lost loved one is overwhelming me. Also, I just retired and suddenly my life seems pointless and without structure. If I can get the structure back, I feel like I can deal with the rest. I've always wanted to try yoga for physical health but if it offers mental health as well, I think the time is now.

    1. I wish you the absolute best. I believe you came to the right place, and have taken a step toward where you need to be <3

    2. I'm sorry you are going through this. I hope you have continued with the yoga practice and wish you well. Remember to be kind and gentle with yourself.

    3. So sorry for your loss, Rachel. I hope yoga helps you and that you are finding a new way of living, without work. You deserve to give yourself LOTS of me time and I also understand the need for structure. Walks, tea with friends or ex colleagues, time to garden or care for animals. No more rushing. And if you want it then perhaps time to help out here and there if it feels right. There is nothing that you have to do.

  3. My motive is to care for my body God gave me in a way that is fun and makes me want to come back for more daily! To be healthy for my kids and Husband and have energy amidst anemia.

  4. I need to deal with stress in a positive way, find peace in my day and get in better shape.

  5. Thanks for offering this practice for free. I don’t know what your motive is but I can only imagine it is coming from a good heart, to bring people happiness and balance. thank you Adrienne.

    1. DAY1 is in the books.
      thank you Adriene!
      what is you motive for bringing so much love and peace into our lives?

  6. This is exactly what I need to start my year. Oh my goodness! Thank you Adriene my friend! I am starting 2 days late but so so happy to be on the journey. Namaste

  7. My neighbor has been suggesting Yoga to me for my physical strength since I have some limitations. I just saw you on Rachel Ray and am excited to start my journey!

  8. By learning to invest in self, I will better be able to invest in and serve others. Lets go 2018!

  9. I feel as if I’m having a brain fart but can you direct me to getting the daily emails that come along with True ?

  10. My motive for establishing a daily yoga practice is to find balance, motivation, and peace. Life is challenging and yoga gives me a break and a chance to show a little self love.

  11. My motive is to feel inner peace and to establish yoga into my daily practice. I have followed Adriene for a year and love all the sessions she provides. I love the feeling that yoga gives me when I start my day with it--balance flexibility, even patience. Really looking forward to the next 30 days.

  12. I saw you on the Rachael Ray show today and knew this was something I needed to do. I started a gentle yoga class 6 weeks ago when my pain management doctor recommended it. I had 2 back surgeries in 2 years, but still have difficulty managing the pain every day. My flexibility seems nonexistent at yoga class and I hurt throughout most of the movements. Your class was amazing! I was able to accomplish most movements, and I made it to the end. I will continue with day 2 tomorrow and look forward to getting my core strength back and alleviating some of my back pain. Thank you so much, Adriene!


  13. My motive is find "me" again. To take time away from motherhood, work, housecleaning, laundry, etc. and feel my body breathe, relax, move, and push itself.

  14. My motive is to take time out of my day for ME. Time where I don't have to worry about anything else.

    Not related- where do you buy your plant pots?

  15. Thank you Adriene! I love your vibe, positive and warm (without coming across as phony, or overly preppy), offering gentle guidance with a sprinkle of goofy humour. Namaste <3

  16. Also, my motive is to incorporate physical activity / body awareness into my life, to make it part of my regular routine. Increase my strength, flexibility, energy. And encourage a happy union between mind, body & soul.

  17. I'm a few days late to start, but I'm still just as excited to be here!
    My motive is to feel happy and at peace with both my internal and external self; I want to smile at what I see in the mirror every day, knowing I'm working towards recreating my best self.

    An off-note: since I'm a few days late, I didn't get the supplemental emails from days 1 and 2. Does someone know where I can access that content? Or can someone please send them my way? That'd be super awesome! Thanks y'all (:

  18. my motive is to be and feel strong again from the inside and outside. So Ill feel happy again and feel powerful to go for my goals. Thanks for this first day. It was truly nice and a nice warm up to make it thru these 30 days and beyond.

  19. I am not able to sit like that or get on the floor because of hip & knee replacement. What do you recommend?

  20. I just started the 30 day series today, thanks to seeing a friend’s post on Facebook. I used to practice regularly but then a series of unfortunate events took me off my path. I haven’t practiced in almost 3 years. It felt so good to move my body and I love your teaching style. Thank you for putting this out there! I plan to share this with my friends!

  21. I am starting a few days late but so grateful I found your site! I feel amazing and centered after completing Day 1

  22. Whooo Hooo, more Yoga!!!

    I am also starting late because I just finish the 30 Days challenge, so, on to the next one, not skipping a day.

    I want to regain/maintain/improve flexibility. Each day you exercise is a point in your favor in terms of laying a good foundation for today and tomorrow. It also helps me to focus and be thankful.

    Adriene, want a wonderful, generous gift, and what a difference it is making in the lives of so many of us around the planet!

    Good luck everyone, namaste!

  23. Just finished my first practice (and I mean first ever) - just found you! My motive is a “present” and healthy me at 59. Introducing yoga and meditating this year to help with 2 children getting married this year. Love your calm but fun energy,!

  24. I am currently on Mat leave and that was the first time I’ve craved out time to exercise again just for ‘me’ I can hardly wait for day 2, thank you so much!

  25. I am a few days behind but I grateful to have found this motive is to make yoga a regular part of my I can be my best self off the mat.

  26. Late to the party and eager to journey within. My motive shifts so often. My mind needs a break from constant thinking and my body needs to breath and stretch. For today my motive is to give pause, to turn inward and to feel connected to my body and all its capable of. Thank you for this opportunity.

  27. Happy New Year everyone! Adriene thanks for creating this challenge to help me to get healthy, love myself, and deal with my anxiety. I am a little late to the game, but better late than never, right? I am excited to get started on this journey!

  28. Finally got the first day under my belt...better late then never! Learned that I am going to have to do this when the 7 year old is not awake. 🙂

  29. Love this! Your videos are my go-to when I take the time to practice at home. Your message is consistently centering and the yoga feel great. Thrilled to ride along with the 30 days of inspiration, love, and movement.

  30. Thanks so much for day 1 Adriene. I really enjoyed it and can't wait for all the other days already. Looking forward to see my inner-self and outer-self on day 30. Exciting stuff.

  31. Adrienne, can’t begin to tell you how much your channel has helped me. I moved to a place where I know no one and started a new job last year. Your videos bring me a much needed peace of mind. Perfect balance of discipline and sillyness to get me through the good, bad and everything in between. Love the new music! Any chance you’ll be making an app soon?

  32. I started Day 1 today and HAPPY NEW YEAR to me I am so glad I took the time to read the email

  33. I saw you on Rachel Ray the other day and looked you up. I'm glad I did! One of my goals is to get more flexible this year and I'm going to do it with you! Today I did the Dec. 31 practice and can't wait for this one tomorrow!

  34. Today I am starting with this 30 day challenge and the reason is to break through the negative loop I'm in, mentally and physically. I think the yoga can help me with focussing on my breath, the real me, instead of returning to the stories and fears that are anchored in my body and pull me back into this loop.

  35. Hello Adrienne, I love your teaching style! You have such a warm, friendly nature. This year, I am planning for my husband to be deployed. We have three little ones and I believe yoga will help me to stay grounded and focused while he is away. I consider myself a beginner in practice, but always feel better, especially mentally, afterwards. I have a goal this year to become teacher certified, or at least start the training. Thank you for your videos! It is a gift to the world!

    I also love the comments and community feel!

  36. I'm so late to the party! 🙂 But I can tell after just Day 1 this is going to be awesome. Thank you for being so kind to offer this THIRTY DAYS for free!!!!

  37. Wow! I haven't done yoga in years, the first day has got me sweating! Excited for tomorrow-just hope I can follow through with this everyday! Thanks, Adriene!

  38. Starting late but starting. I have a bad knee and a bad shoulder. I appreciate any tips/modifcations as we go to help address.

    Thank you.

  39. Hello adrienne thanks a lot for those videos . I practice every day from France before go working
    It is so good

  40. I could've cried when Adriene said "You're my hero". Ha. This session brought me much needed relief. Thank you.

  41. Watched Adriene on the Rachel Ray show and how she inspired a young woman to try yoga, get healthy and lose a ton of weight! I'd bought a yoga CD and it was way to hard that I gave up!!! SOOOO glad I found TRUE!!! I'm feeling pumped, energized and inspired as well!!

    Thanks Adriene!!

  42. Starting today....every time I do one of your videos I find something I wqs not expecting...thanks for your generosity and wisdom.

  43. Starting a month late but better late than never! THANK YOU for putting this out there <3 Always a great start to the year! And a great routine to keep your body active and your mind uplifted during the seasonal slump!

  44. Hi Adrien

    I found you when I was searching for Power Yoga for weight loss on google. Watched one video and I was hooked. You make yoga look fun and easy,
    I am 20kg overweight and i have tried walking, running, strength training etc. Every time, i ended up with injuries and that delayed my next session and demotivated me. I, then realised that my be i need a low impact form of exercise. and here I am. I found out about the True 30 day , and i have decided to give it try. Did Day 1 today. and i already feel so good doing those deep breathing. Thanks.

    I have a request. Is there any video about how to go about all these workouts, any specific order? Where to start first? Is it advisable to just start any video and follow?
    Do you have done any video for Thyroid problems?

    Keep up the good work and Namaste!

  45. I also found out about this only today, but am looking forward to it! I can already feel the difference with Day One. Thank you!

  46. I am from San Diego, California and have practiced yoga before but as I am currently living abroad and studying to complete a Masters degree while working part-time, it has been difficult to motivate myself and find the time for yoga. These short and slow-paced videos seem to be exactly what I was looking for. I needed something on a budget (aka free! thanks for that!) and something that wasn't too intimidating as it's been a while since I've practiced. I signed up today and couldn't wait for the first video so I have already completed Orientation and the Day 1 video. I am already feeling better. Going through the first practice made my motive clear, I need to trust myself and I need to be kind and take care of myself. Thanks for this awesome 30 day challenge, I can't wait to see how it will help me grow and learn.

  47. Hi Adrien,

    currently I am learning for my A-level and - to be honest- I'm quite stressed. That is why I decided to do some yoga and found your website.
    Now I have to thank you for your motivating words. They helped me to calm down and to start the day with a smile. Thank you!

    Love Jessy

  48. It is my day 1 today. I have always wanted to take up a yoga practice but it can be intimidating and I have walked away from many classes feeling inadequate. Not so with this. Thank you.

  49. I found your channel about a month ago but recently just found this True 30 day yoga series. About 7 years ago I took a semester long yoga class. Unfortunately, life got in the way and I stopped practicing. Recently my body has had some continuous struggles, for more reasons than one. So I'm very excited to go on this journey and see where it takes me. Thank you for putting this together and for making it so accessible!

  50. Wow- thank you so much for a gentle entry back into mind/body/spirit wholeness after a very dark time in my life. Ready to feel alive again! Thank you Adriene! <3<3<3

  51. So glad I found this. I came to find peace and the way you move us through the practice was affirming, peaceful and fun. Looking forward to day 2 tomorrow!

  52. Yay, I start today. Yoga with Adriene is everything you want in a yoga class but often better:) It's when you want it, where you want it and how you want it. I pick the class that speaks to me when I need it and now I'm delighted to find the True 30 day journey back to myself. Here goes....

  53. Thank you so much for Day 1 feeling so much stronger now! I‘ m really motivated doing this journey for my body and mind and can’ t wait till Day 2 :-)…
    Greetings from Munich

  54. Thank you so much for this! I have been using your videos for over a year now; I started with a challenge to myself to do at least 15 minutes of yoga a day for one month and now it has been over a year. During these uncertain times in our world right now and all of the chaos, I decided to start one of your old 30 day challenges to help center and calm myself. Thank you so much for providing these, I really appreciate it!

  55. Thank you so much Adriene for the beautiful vibe you bring to my day with your videos.

  56. Just started your day 1 series after completing your 30 Day Challenge. TY for these wonderful series as they help me through this current crisis. ❤️

  57. Just starting this today - grateful you offer this to people like me who are seeking renewal and grounding. thank you, Adriene, for your generosity. My friends and I always talk about what a bad ass you are.

    Day 1!!!!!

  58. I have had two abdominal surgeries as a result of stage 4 cancer - so I must strengthen my pelvic floor, and strengthen my core. I'm also diabetic and wish to get off of medication, and finally, I want to improve my golf game by increasing strength and flexibility.

  59. I was in an excellent yoga class over 15 years ago but stopped because I wanted my direction to come from myself rather than my teacher. I was getting massage a few months ago and it came to me that I could go back to yoga again. I was ready to go back to a class and then COVID hit and I found your videos on line which are incredible. You are a healer as well as a yoga teacher. This is my third 30 day yoga journey. In the first yoga journey, you ended with a class where you turn off your mic. That was really hard. I had considered my discipline to be to show up and now I had to take responsibility for my thoughts as well.

    Right now, coming to the mat enables me to feel feelings that are hard to feel in other places. I also benefit from having regular strengthening for my whole body. I tend to my emotions in many ways, but this is very grounding. Namaste.

  60. Thx for this beautiful challenge. A great opportunity to build up strength and condition after illness and surgery. Time for a new balance

  61. Thank you Adriene for sharing so generously! This is my second 30 day Journey with you. You are such a light! I feel your love in every video and I love you back with all my heart!


  62. I am here to step more fully into myself. I am here to feel the warm embrace of myself and this community. I am here, and isn't that wonderful.

  63. I am here after a 10 month journey with breast cancer. To heal, to live a more authentic life, to know myself a little better, to become the strong woman I know I am. A lot of expectation for a yoga program, no pressure Adriene . Love your work and what you put out into the world.

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