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Strengthen and Lengthen- Yoga For Weight Loss

Yoga For Weight Loss - Strengthen and Lengthen from Yoga With Adriene on Vimeo.

Hatha yoga is all about balance. It is the practice of seeking balance between two dimensions.

The dance of balancing opposites. The balance of humanity and of individuality. The symmetry of right and left. The game of hard and soft, effort and ease. The essence of masculine and feminine, sun, moon, up, down - you get the picture.

This practice is titled "Yoga For Weight Loss" but really it is yoga to balance the body and mind. A practice to build strength in the body, yes, but also a quest for harmony and equanimity.

To strengthen and to lengthen means to build and to grow. Therefore, when I think about this yoga practice, it is more than just a one-time-test-it-out shape-shift yoga pose event. It is about practice. The return to the mat - to keep building strength.

Cue: Return of the Mack

We do this practice to tone the body, to become stronger and to balance the building of muscles and of integrity with a focus on the spine. We work to create a 100% unique ย full body experience. And we create space.

This practice begins with a strong focus on the core. In order to build strength with the support of the earth (lying on flat back) I encourage you to lengthen and find space. Lift the head, but just let it hover enough to engage the abdominal wall. There is no need to lift it any higher than that. Then, remember to find extension (length!) in the spine - all the way up through the crown of the head. Imagine that juicy piece of fruit between your chin and your chest and relax any unnecessary tension in the face, neck and shoulders. Core work should not bring on neck pain or shoulder tension. It really does not have to.

If it feels tight, or you feel pain and it is not working- ask yourself what you can do to fix it.ย 

This can be a really great sequence for athletes too! A great counter balance to training for a physical sport! Find your center and your core to prevent injuries and set intentions to blend more stretching into warm up and recovery time. It is important!

Return to the practice to see what gives. Stay curious. Experience the strength building and allow the practice to evolve. Keep asking yourself how you can fix it and where can you lengthen to create space. It's a fun journey we are on- lets rock it out.


54 comments on “Strengthen and Lengthen- Yoga For Weight Loss”

  1. Thank you so much! What a nice treat to wake up to when I have to get up super early to take stressful exams ๐Ÿ™‚ Feeling way more prepared to face the day!

  2. Really enjoyed this video, thanks so much...I am grateful that I have the means to connect to your website . U explain everything so clearly...gods blessings on you.

    1. Hooray! I am glad! Welcome to the website! This site is currently getting a makeover too, so stay tuned for more goodies coming soon! Love to you!

  3. hey adriene...i love your videos and i can't wait to try this new one...keep these weight loss videos coming, we're gonna need it esp. during the really want to start practicing yoga on a regular basis, i'm a student with a schedule that doesn't allow to me to rest until after i wanted to ask if practicing yoga at night is ok?? the rigorous ones like this one for example...or is it better to do it in the morning??.....hope you can give me some advice...thanksss....luvv from India ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hi there! It is a great question and the true answer is listen to your body and make whatever makes sense to you happen! But, I do find that an energetic and stimulating practice wakes the body and the energetic body up - so you might find it harder to wind down. Morning yoga is ideal for most as it sets the tone for our day and we get it done before we can lose time and make excuses not to get on the mat. Life and schedules are demanding so for me, truly, I say listen to your body and set intentions to make it work- however and whenever you can. Love to you! Let me know how it goes!

  4. This video saved my week! In the midst of studying for finals I had to relax and get on the mat. So grateful to have found this!


    1. Hi Allie!
      So glad to hear it! Its amazing how far a little yoga will go! It always seems to be just what the doctored ordered. The hardest thing is simply to make the time, take the time. So good for you! Rock on Good luck finishing finals! xo

  5. Hi Adriene! Great video yoga for weight loss, really enjoyed it and still practicing on it.
    I have a yoga video suggestion if you are open to it, how about yoga practice for when we girls are in that period of the month and have tummy and lower back ache, maybe there are some posses that releases you from the pms-ms pain and make you feel better. What do you think?

  6. Hi Adriene,

    I'm new to yoga and just tried this video. I had difficulties with the squats you did at the end. My hip joints seem to be very tight. I'll try modifying until I find my comfort zone. Thanks for the instructions.

    Take care,


    1. Hi Mary,
      Yes, if you have a block or a couple of big books- sit on that for a little support. Take your time and watch it unfold! Sometimes I practice this on my toes to stretch out the feet while providing a gentler stretch to the hips. You know what to do ๐Ÿ™‚


  7. After a period of illness (followed by a period of laziness...), I finally motivated myself to get back on the Adriene horse!
    I think I got what you mean by gratitude - I feel surprised and grateful that my body worked better than I thought it would and that I enjoyed using it so much. So I'm sending that gratitude on: Thanx Adriene! I'll be joining you on the Reboot malarky for sure now!
    Happy New Year, lovely :-)!

    1. Aw Becky, thank you for this! I love that palpable wave of gratitude that comes on strong when we are open and welcome it in! You rock.
      REBOOT is going to be fun! Love and gratitude right back atcha! Happy New Year!

  8. Thanks for this amazing video! Without these videos I wouldn't feel as healthy as I do or as flexible. Keep them coming.

  9. Love it!!! I just did this workout 2 days ago and I'm still feeling it all over. The plank positions are really working my core. I love your videos and can't wait to do it again tonight. Keep up the good work adriene! There is something about you that is going to attract so many people and help them live a healthier life and enjoy doing it. Seriously,
    They should put you on fitTV Channel. Thank you so much.

  10. Hey Adriene,

    Your lovely cousin Alicia turned me on to your videos and I cannot thank her enough! I did the lengthen and strengthen video this morning after a couple yoga-less months and it felt fabulous. I felt like I was extra in-tune with my body the rest of the day.

    My mom encouraged me the other day by sharing her 'key words' for the new year: balance and acceptance. Inspired by your site, I think I'll add 'awareness' to the list and look forward to a wonderful year.

    Thank you so much for sharing your positive energy via cyberspace-- sending good vibes right back atcha from California.

  11. Love this yoga experience. I am currently doing a 30 day yoga challenge with myself. Hoping to find flexibility, strength and a sense of calm with this practice. Thank you for such wonderful videos! KEEP THEM COMING!

  12. Hi Adriene,

    I love this video, you are a great teacher! I have a little problem though with the transition in between downward facing dog and runner's lunge... My leg never go that far ๐Ÿ™ Am I doing something wrong?
    Thank you so much ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. what a fantastic class. I loved every minute of it.!!!!
    can I ask, if you weren't a yoga tutor.. how many yoga sessions should one do in a week to reap the benefits.

    much warm fuzzies

  14. Gave ur link to all my friends and my daughter who would never get going on exercise says you're totally cool! You have no idea how much you help to brighten up my day. Thanks! Pease please do some inversion poses as well.

  15. Another wonderful video! I am definitely going to add this into my cycle of videos to use when I run out of inspiration to make up my own workouts!

  16. Thank you so much Adriene for this wonderful yoga practice !! As a French young mother of my second child, I wanted to start practicing yoga to become fit again ๐Ÿ˜‰ Your video classes are so clearly explained and so much full of happiness that I always want to do some yoga when my two boys leave me a alone for a moment !!! Plus, your classes help me practicing my english, so thank you again and I can't wait following your other videos !!!

  17. I really appreciate your attention to "self expression". I have tried many times in the past to practice yoga but always felt there was one way. I love what you say about everyone's body is different. As a mom of two little ones (using my hubs computer here:), your videos are so great! I can strengthen my body and breath at a pace that feels right. I now start my day with you and I'm feeling great. thank you!

  18. HII Adrience!! THanks so much for the videos!! I really love them!! everytimes i finished a series of yoga from your channel. I feel really good despite having the feeling of dying while im doing the yoga:P I would like to ask if you are going to film a video for yoga for meditation for us to destress and find our way back to simplicity in life again? As in a break from this hectic life? pretty please?:) HEHe just a small request cheers!^^ you look real pretty by the way^^ i like the smile of yours>^<


  19. I just wanted to say that was SO good! And thank you thank you thank you! I feel so connected with my heart and body, my head feels clear, but I'm still grounded. I'm currently practising Iyengar yoga, so this routine was both a breath of fresh air and invaluable practise between my classes, not to mention great post-run movement. I'm grateful for today, thank you. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you have a good day.

  20. Hi Adrianne ! I love your videos. I'm a beginner ๐Ÿ™‚ so I'm gonna do my best. You are a great teacher !! Rewards from Mexico.

  21. Hi! I super love your videos but am struggling with the sequence where you kick your leg up and bring it to your nose/elbows. If there's any way to ease into this sequence - I'd love a short video on that.

    LOVE these videos - you are the best!

  22. Hi, I have done this sequence a few times now and I love it. I can add in a few more repetitions each time if I need to push myself and I really do get a full body workout. Thank you, your lovely personality really shines through and I think that is what really makes this site work so well.

  23. Hey Adriene! You have such a knack for making your videos accessible by people from all levels of yoga. I love that you keep it up with the reminders to keep your body up and having integrity with the stance because I struggle with that. I love this weight loss sequence, it's helping me keep fit!

  24. I've tried a few video's so far, enjoying all of them but this is my favorite so far! ๐Ÿ™‚ Great combination of action and relaxation. The best are your little remarks, they make me giggle and stick it out even though my muscles are trembling from time to time! A big thank you from Holland!

  25. Hi Adrienne,

    I have recently just started following your videos on you tube and wanted to say that they are great ๐Ÿ™‚ I did this session this morning and feel great ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks and keep posting ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
    I can't tell you how much this video has helped me!!
    I've got really good at yoga with this video, and now my mind is relaxed and everything on my to-do list is balanced- Studies, Net, Yoga of course, and so much more!!
    Please continue making amazing videos!!
    <3 <3 <3

  27. Hi Adrienne,

    I just finished watching two of your videos...Yoga for Beginners and Yoga for Weight loss...Strengthen and Lengthen. I am 53 years of age and have gained 26 pounds since I quit smoking on July 5, 2013. While i'm told that it's not a lot of weight or that I look great, I don't like it. My stomach has gotten bigger and I would like to get rid of it as well as 15-20 pounds. I was wondering if yoga is good for what I want to accomplish. It has been a while since I have done a good work out so I am hoping that this is an answer to getting fit again at age 53. Please give me your honest opinion as to what you think. By the way, I love the way you explain everything in your videos...!


  28. Just found you. I'm loving your videos. My 3yr old is doing some too! She likes your voice, and can do quite a bit. I'm ready to get healthy and strong and so far you are helping me find my path. Thank you.

  29. Yah! Just done this on a cold and wet Saturday morning before the three kids get back. Now I'm ready to start the day, thanks Adriene

  30. I love this video! Perfect combination of exercise, stretching and strengthening! I do it twice a week ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. Hi Adriene! Yay, after 45 days with you I can finally do crows pose! Honestly I thought that crows pose would just have to be the one I would never be able to master. Today, May 1st I did it. Thank you for your beautiful spirit and what you bring to the yoga world. Namaste!!

  32. Adriene,

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful free videos and your quirky, easy breezy personality. I am new to yoga but I'm enjoying incorporating your videos into my routine. I beat up my body quite a bit with training with HIIT, Functional training and strength. Using your videos have been really really helping me see faster results and feel better. I also was recently diagnosed with PTSD and my Doc's keep encouraging me to do yoga. You are my go-to for picking weekly yoga videos.

  33. Hi, the video is not available, is it possible to publish it again?

    to publish it again.


  34. Thank you for this mat
    Thank you for this teacher
    Thank you for this world.

    Thanks Adrienne, I 'found you' in December and enjoy the classes so much. They help me to find peace.

    Namaste all,

  35. Yo, Adriene! Iโ€™m a 50 something in NC. Iโ€™ve been hooked on you and your videos for a few years now. But, lately, you and I are hanging out daily. And, I love it! You have a funny, quirky personality, which makes me smile, giggle and laugh out loud. Thanks for sharing your love and making my great day, everyday. โœŒ๏ธand โค๏ธ

  36. Hello Adriene
    I'm following your guidance on TRUE journey, i'm inrterested in weight loss Yoga too, but i don't wannabe like want everything and have nothing in the end :)), so i wanted to ask you if it is possible for me to do both 30days yoga journey and Yoga for weight loss or it is better to complete the journey then follow other practices. I really need your orientation
    Thank you for your guidance on TRUE.

  37. Hi Adriene,
    I am on day 14 of the Dedicate series which I love! I started in on July 1st and am determined to finish it on July 30! ๐Ÿ™‚ I'm already feeling stronger after only two weeks of practice.

    On August 1, I'm going to start the weight loss series and i was wondering if there was an order to the videos? Your other series have Day 1, Day 2, etc. If there is no order can you tell me how many Weight loss videos there are in the series and if it matters which order to do them in.

    Love your videos! Thank you!

  38. Hi Adrienne! I love your yoga videos and this and Deep Core are my favorites. I do them nearly every day - thank you so much for making this available - it has really helped me in so many ways. Valerie

  39. Hi Adrianne

    I love your YouTube videos - thank you for sharing them. It's really helped me overcome a difficult time in life.

    I have tight hamstrings and complete the hamstring stretch every day. I'm this video we lengthen and the strengthen using the block behind your quad. As I have tight hamstrings is this okay? I worry that I am undoing the lengthening in my hamstrings with the strengthen. Hope that makes sense!

    Thank you, Sophie

  40. I'm in Sydney, Australia. 2021 next-level lockdown starting tomorrow. My fave yoga instructor recommended your videos years ago. I absolutely love them. I think I've finally found the video I want to return to for regular practice - Strengthen and Lengthen. Investing myself in one of your videos quite literally takes my mind off everything lockdown encompasses for me. Thanks so much Adriene.

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