- Hello everyone. My name is Adriene and this is Benji and welcome to your yoga PE today. We're gonna focus on energizing the body so please join me standing up nice and tall in Mountain Pose. Ground through your feet, get strong in your legs, lift your chest up like you're nice and proud in your beautiful body. Yes. And then imagine, you can even take your hands to the top of your head. Imagine that the tip of your head is the top or the peak, if you will, of the mountain. Awesome and then if your hands are up go ahead and allow them to come back down to your sides. Your arms are the sides of the mountain here. We're standing up nice and tall. We're gonna take a couple of deep breaths in to start. So here we go big inhale in through your nose. And out through your mouth. Good, in through your nose. And you can make a little sound here as you breath out. (sighs) And then let's get nice and loud on this third one. Inhale in. (sighs) Awesome. Beautiful Mountain Pose with deep breaths to ground us in this moment. Alright, we're gonna start with some shoulder rotations. Warming up through the shoulders so keep those nice big breaths going as you roll the shoulders back. Should feel really good. Just a couple times here. Awesome, now we're gonna swim it forward to take the shoulders in the opposite direction one arm at a time. Shoulder rotations forwards, swim it out. Awesome work. Now zip the legs together, stand up nice and tall again, Mountain Pose and then we're gonna bring our arms into a T-shape so we're gonna come into a position to get ready for our arm circles. We're gonna go one way first. Just establish either back or forward. You get to decide. And now we're gonna reverse it. Take it in the opposite direction. (mimics record reversing) And then reverse it. (mimics record reversing) And reverse it one more time. Awesome. Now come into your T-shape. I'm from Texas so I call this a Texas T. You're gonna really straighten your arms. Really reach, reach, reach and spread your fingertips like starfish. Beautiful, now we're gonna practice a balancing pose so we're gonna slowly lift up on to the toes so lift your heels, up onto the toes. See if you can balance here as you squeeze the legs. The arms will get tired but we're building strength and stability. Good and then lower the heels. To give the arms a rest we're gonna wrap them around our shoulders. Give yourself a big hug. Take a deep breath in. And a long breath out. Good, one more time, Texas T. Right into it, lift the heels. See if you can balance. And you can look at something on the ground in front of you to help you with your balance pose here. Beautiful, take a deep breath in. And then lower the heels and give yourself a hug. Awesome, release the arms step your feet nice and wide. Now we're gonna go into a windmill so send your fingertips up for Star Pose here. Again, spread the fingers like starfish. You're gonna take your right hand, inhale, exhale we're gonna fold forward, touch the left toes with your right hand. Now left hand goes all the way up towards the sky. Then we're gonna switch, we're gonna come all the way up through center and take it to the other side. Left hand reaches towards the right foot. Now keep it going back and forth. Building some heat in the body, opening up through the backs of the legs, the hamstrings. Get a great stretch here. The hips, back and forth. Sending the opposite hand, the one all the way up towards the sky and reaching towards your toes. Now if you can't touch your toes today, don't worry. Just reach in that direction. Awesome work, keep it goin'. And release. From here bring the hands at your heart, take a deep breath in. And exhale out through the mouth just like we did before. Now bend your knees, hop the feet together, zip the legs tight, tight, tight. Awesome. From here, we're gonna interlace the fingertips press the palms forward. Now bring the pinkies all the way up towards the sky, big stretch. If you want to you can yawn here as we move from side to side stretching through the side body. Excellent, then come back to center. Release the hands, wiggle the fingertips, rain it down and here we go. We're gonna step on the one foot. And then we're gonna lift the opposite leg, kiss opposite elbow to opposite knee like this. Then switch. So we're coming into a little bit of a slow march here. Elbow kissing knee. Back and forth, left to right. Once you feel like you get it you might start to speed it up a little bit. And if you feel pretty good here and you want to take it a step further, add a little hop. So we're getting our heart rate moving. We can smile here. We can laugh. We can giggle. We're breathing deep. And we'll keep it going for three, for two, and for one. Now zip the legs up come back to Mountain Pose. Control your breath. Take a deep breath in. And exhale out through the mouth. Awesome work, alright, now step the legs out wide. About as wide as your wrists are when you send your fingertips out in Texas T. So think about that. Take a second to find your stance 'cause now we're gonna do a still windmill, a different version. So legs are nice and wide. We also call this Standing Wide-Legged Forward Fold. You're gonna take your Texas T, you're gonna send your hips back, keep your Texas T, we take it forward as if you were looking into a pond. Maybe you see your reflection, maybe you wink at yourself. Say like, "What's up?" And then after you said what's up or hello, we're gonna take one hand to the ground and one hand to the sky. And if you don't make it, that's okay, you can hover in space and create more strength in your core. Now find stillness here. It's a challenge, breathe deep. Then come all the way back up, Texas T. Good, inhale in. Exhale out. Second side. Hand to the ground, hand to the sky. Try to find stillness. So good for the spine. Big twist, strong legs. Here we go, all the way back up to your Texas T. Here we go, big breath in. Big breath out, step or hop the feet together. Mountain Pose. Alright, awesome work, here we go. Interlace the fingertips, press them forward, up and back. Side body stretch. Again, we can yawn here. Alright, so the next thing is called squat and shoot. Before we do that we're gonna take a couple wrist circles. Just get ready for our lay-up. So just take the wrists one way. We can do open hands or fists and then the other. And you can have a little fun with it. Alright and then shake it out. And here we go, we're gonna drop it low, squat, you're gonna grab your ball and then you're gonna jump and shoot. And you can imagine a ball or you can imagine picking something creative off the ground like, "Oh, an apple." Maybe taking a bite and then shooting it. Here we go. We're gonna squat and shoot. Squat and shoot. Squat then shoot. Squat and shoot. Squat and shoot, you got this. Squat and shoot. Three more. Squat and shoot. Squat and shoot. Last one, squat and shoot. Here we go, step it wide we're going right into jumping jacks here. Nice and easy, nice and easy pace. This is what we're finishing up with today. So breathe deep. Keep it going. Now to add a little flavor to your jacks you can cross the legs in the middle. You can smile. You can make funny shapes with your eyebrows. Everyone breathe deep. You're doing awesome. So for the last 10 seconds, you might move in a circle. Good and then bring it back to center, our final Mountain Pose. Take a deep breath in. Crown of the head is the top of the mountain. And as you exhale hands rest gently at your side. Take a second to just notice how you feel. Feel your heart pumping, your blood flowing. We finish this PE break by taking a deep breath in together. And one final exhale together. Thanks everyone. Take good care. (upbeat music)