- What's up everyone, welcome to Yoga with Adrienne, I'm Adrienne and this is Benji and today we have a great seven minute pre-run yoga for you, so hop into something comfy and let's get started. (upbeat music) Alright pals, let's begin. Feet hip width apart, sit up nice and tall, start to cultivate this full body awareness. You're gonna shift your weight to one foot and just take the other foot back and you're just gonna stretch the top of the foot. Now as you do this, lift your hips up towards the sky. Lift your heart, start to breathe here, inhale, exhale, release and switch, other foot, just take the toes back, lift your heart, stretch the top of the foot, lift your hip points up towards the sky, so tuck your pelvis a little bit, inhale, then exhale, release, awesome. Walk to the top of your mat if you aren't there already and take a big full body stretch. Inhale, reach for the sky, exhale, take a Forward Fold with bent knees. Take a couple seconds here to just feel it out, stretch the lower back, we don't want those muscles to tighten or tense up on our run or the jog. Maybe lift your toes, stretch through the feet. Again, bend your knees if you haven't already, bend the knees. Great, and now to the neck and shoulders, release, maybe shake the head a little yes, a little no. Breathing deep. Great, then we'll walk the feet together and step the left leg all the way back. Lower the left knee and then walk it back just a little bit, front knee over front ankle, inhale, open the chest, open your heart, big stretch here, lift, lift, lift and then exhale, release. Take it back, right hip crease pulls back, right toes flex towards the face, inhale, and exhale, inhale, come back to your nice low lunge, lift the back knee, and we'll plant the palms and step it to Downward Dog. Beautiful inhale in, exhale out. Step the left foot up, lower the right knee, walk the right knee back just a little bit, find that nice stretch in the psoas and when you're ready, inhale, open the chest, lift your heart, palms open. We lift the chest up towards the sky and then exhale, take it down, awesome. Pull the left hip crease back, flex your left toes towards your face, bending that left knee here. Start to amp up your breath a little, make the inhales longer, fuller, deeper. Cool, then roll through, come back to your nice little lunge, inhale in, exhale, Downward Facing Dog. Take a couple moments here to walk your dog, really stretch the legs, create more awareness in the shoulders. The torso, the side body stretches here, alright. Then inhale, lift the right leg up high, Three-Legged Dog, exhale, bend your right knee open it up, great, then bring it all the way through to your lunge. Nice, low lunge. Beautiful. Right leg is forward, left leg is back, inhale, look forward, now check it out, exhale, walk your right toes, your right foot towards the left side of your mat. Then you're gonna bend your back leg and you're gonna step it up behind your right foot. And then, Forward Fold over that. Release any tension in the head, the neck again and we'll breathe here, fully, deeply. Great, softly bend the knees, bring the right foot around to meet the left, feet are together. Inhale, lift up halfway, find length in the spine and then exhale Forward Fold. Awesome work, step the right foot back, step the left foot back, powering up a little bit through the core to support the back body, Plank Pose. Press away from your yoga mat, inhale in, and then, exhale, lift the hips up high and back Downward Facing Dog. Alright, peddle it out. Start to wake up the body and wake up your breath. And here we go, inhale, left leg up high, Three-Legged Dog. Exhale, bend the knee, open it up. Great, step it all the way up into your nice low lunge, and when you're ready, inhale, open the chest, find length, firm the shoulder blades in the back. Alright, now we'll walk that left foot over towards the right side of the mat, just a bit and when you're ready, bend that back leg and step it up behind, and find your Forward Fold here, releasing any tension, any holding in the neck and the shoulder girdle. Breathing deep. Really feel your feet connected to the earth, spread awareness throughout the whole body, something you're gonna take with you, into your run. Great, activate your core muscles and we'll bring the right foot around, step it beside the left, inhale. Halfway Lift again, find length and then exhale, release. Bend the knees so much so now that your belly comes to the tops of the thighs, tuck the chin and then roll it up slowly. Again, really feeling this connection of your feet to the earth. Come up to Mountain Pose. Stand up nice and tall. Great. Here we go, feet are together, almost done here, interlace the fingertips, catch your right knee, squeeze and lift, squeeze and lift, rotate the right ankle. Awesome, then take it back, maybe the left hand comes to the chest if you like. Quad stretch, lift your heart, think about your hip points, lifting up towards the sky, so if there's a tilt in the pelvis here, you want it to kinda bring it in. Wonderful, try to release with care, with grace and then, take it to the other side. Interlace the fingertips, catch your left knee, lift and squeeze, lift and squeeze, rotate the left ankle. Beautiful, then when you're ready, squeezing our thighs together, so connect to that core strength and quad stretch. You could also take a little Dancer Pose here, a little Standing Bow. Take a deep breath in, lift the hip points up towards the sky, so again, if the pelvis is tilting out here, bring it in just a little bit. Inhale and exhale, release with care, with grace. Awesome. Big stretch to reach for the sky, then exhale hands to heart. Go get them, tiger. (upbeat music)