- Hi, everyone and welcome to Yoga with Adriene. I'm Adriene and this is Benji. And today, we have yoga for nurses or for anyone who's wanting to nurture themselves. This is a yummy practice so hop into something extra comfy and let's fill our cups. (upbeat music) Alrighty, my friends. Today, we're gonna begin lying flat on our backs. Yay! So take your time getting there. There's no rush. Remember, this time is for you. This valuable, valuable precious time with your body, with your breath and with your heart. When you get there, go ahead and lay all the way down. So relax your limbs. Let your arms rest gently at your sides. If you have a ponytail or, I don't know why I said that so weird, that's a weird pony. If you have a ponytail, go ahead and put it to the side. And alright, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, let's take one nice, full, conscious breath in together to begin. Here we go. Big inhale in through the nose. And exhale out through the mouth. Don't be shy. Awesome. Close your eyes and just take a moment to notice where you're at today. Start with the soles of the feet. We're gonna scan the body all the way up from the soles, all the way to the crown of the head. So, depending on your personality type and your energetic state, we all experience this body scan a little different depending on whether you're more right brain or left brain. So I don't really wanna tell you how to do it but rather, just invite you to scan the body from the soles of your feet to the crown of the head and to breathe deep as you do so. Close your eyes and begin. Nice full body scan. Take your time and if you zoomed through it, you can go back to the soles of the feet and try it again. See if you notice anything new. Great, and then as you're ready, you're gonna take a deep breath in again. And exhale out through the mouth. Don't be shy. So we sigh out through the mouth, our little sigh. We're signaling the brain. Communicating that this time is time to slow down. Check in, take stock. All right, bring the thumb to your fingerprints. You're just gonna move your thumbprint on your fingers starting out nice and slow. And if you're totally exhausted and you're like so tired, you can go to sleep here. I got your back. We're gonna ease in nice and gentle. So just take one moment at a time. Try to, just let one present moment be a window or a doorway into the next. So don't get ahead, if you're tired. It's all good and that's why we're here, to nurture your sweet self. Self-care, self-love is the way. And through this practice today, will hopefully leave you feeling nurtured so that you can fill your cup and be available to serve others, help others, nurture others. Alright, release the fingertip thing. We're gonna bring the palms now flat down to the earth and you're gonna press into the earth and use this connection to sweet Mama Earth to press, excuse me, draw the navel down as you press with the hands and you're gonna slowly lift the knees up towards the chest. You can do it either at the same time for a little core stimulation or if you want to keep it softer, just one knee at a time. Then scoop the tailbone up. You're gonna give yourself a big hug. Wrap the arms around your legs and then close your eyes and find what feels good here. You might rock gently side to side, you might point and flex the feet. And we're just finally dropping in, realizing, oh my gosh, I need this time, I need this practice. Feel your yoga mat rising up to meet your back body. This practice has your back, I have your back. I admire you for being the type of person who is willing to serve others but even more so for taking the time to make sure that you, yourself, are taken care of and nurtured so that you can do your job and be your best self. Hold on to your right knee, send the left leg out long. Go ahead and let the left heel come to the earth. You're really gonna squeeze the right knee up towards your heart and then open it up towards your shoulder. Again, squeeze it up towards your heart and the action of drawing open towards your shoulder. Right, activate your left leg. So firm down through the left thigh bone, left toes up towards the sky, take a deep breath in. And a long breath out. Great, then you're gonna lift your left knee up, press your left foot into the ground. You're just gonna shift your hips over to the right and then extend your left leg out again and you're gonna come into the supine twist. So you're just shifting your hips over towards the right a little bit. And then right knee comes over towards the left side of your mat. And then you can stay here opening up through the right armpit, chest, the pec, the shoulder or bend the left knee. You're gonna reach down. Aim to grab your right, excuse me, your left foot, your left toes with your right hand. And then we open up the chest here. So you're opening the right shoulder towards the right, kind of down towards the earth. And then the last yummy ingredient here is just breathing into the belly. Think spa breaths today. Whatever that means to you. The way you would breathe in a spa. And don't get sad if you've never been to a spa. You know, don't choose that path. Just use the creative image too. Oh, what would a spa breath be like? A blissful breath. (breathing deeply) One more, inhale in here. Right down into the belly. Gorgeous and then your exhale to release that bottom foots, bottom leg and then slowly guide it back all the way to center. Shift the hips down right to the center line and hug both knees into the chest. Awesome, this time we're gonna take the hands to the knees. You're just draw gentle circles in one way and then the other. One way and then the other. So massaging the lower back, the SI joint. We're stretching through the hips and the glutes. And maybe, most importantly, we are just taking this time to soften our gaze and close our eyes, breathe deep and again, feel supported. So you spend so much energy supporting others, being present, listening, to being very supportive so just take a moment to really feel that. In fact, you might quietly whisper to yourself, I am supported. I am supported. Sweet, then hold on to your left knee, send your right leg all the way out. Go ahead and bring your right heel to kiss the earth. And squeeze the left knee in towards your heart and then open it towards your left shoulder. Again, the action is squeezing in towards center and then opening. So we're creating a little compression in the front of the left hip crease here. Breathe deep. (breaths deeply) Then lift up through your right knee. Press your right foot into the ground, lift your hips, scooch it over to the left and then extend your right leg out. And as you're ready, guide the left knee over supine twist. Notice how this side is different. Right side, left side. And breathe like you love yourself. Left arm can go all the way out and stay there or we'll bend the right knee this time. Maybe reach down, try to catch the right toes, right foot and then open the left shoulder one more time. And then go ahead and use your right hand to gently guide that left knee a little deeper. Breathe deep here. Breathe into your belly. Spa breaths. (breathing deeply) So when I get really busy with work or when I get really invested in other people's stories, I have to up my self-care and tend to my mental headspace, not just my body. But I have to be able to kind of soften my thinking space and make sure that I'm taking time to restore and tend to myself so that I don't spiral out of control worrying about others or depleting myself. Take one more breath. That's why the spa breath is so important. Okay, and then use and exhale to release the bottom leg and we'll shift slowly back to center. Hug both knees into the chest, and then this time, we're gonna inhale in, exhale, peel the nose up toward the knees. So it doesn't have to come close, just creating spaciousness between the vertebra. And then if you want, you can grab the feet, you can grab the shins or you can take your hands in to the midline and take a little Happy Baby here. So I have some options. A little hedgehog pose. Maybe you're here or Happy Baby. Take three cycles of breath here. Count them out. One. (breathing deeply) And two. (breathing deeply) And three. (breathing deeply) And then we're gonna bring the hands to the back of the thighs. Keep breathing nice long cycles of breath and we're gonna rock and roll all the way up. So take your time massaging through the length of your spine. You should feel really awesome. We're also waking up the core muscles that we need for a strong back but also a nice connection to that third chakra which is our home base, it's that self-care center. And then rock as many times as you feel awesome and comfortable and you're gonna come all the way through to a nice comfortable seat. You can center yourself on the mat. And then right away, let's inhale, reach for the sky, big stretch. And then exhale, you're going to open twist to the left. Now fingertips can go down to the earth or maybe you catch a little bind. And then inhale, reach for the sky. Back to center and exhale to the right. Catch a bind or fingertips on the mat. Inhale back up to center, lift all four sides of the torso, lift and lengthen, exhale. Open twist to the left. Inhale to center. Sync up with your breath here, open twist to the right. And you can find a little more fluid movement here. Inhale, reach up high. Exhale, open twist. Maybe integrating the neck here. Keep it going. One more time on each side. Beautiful, inhale reach up. Exhale bring the hands down. You're gonna open the legs a little wider now so that we come into Baddha Konasana. So the soles of the feet are gonna come together. You're gonna take your hands to your feet and you're gonna practice a little self massage. Now, you can start by taking the thumbs to the arches of your feet and just gonna kind of start there and work your way out. And then take your eyes off the video and I mean this with all sincerity. Like really focus in on what you're doing. I'm laughing because I know it can seem kind of silly but many people will get emotional here. And I wanna tell you why I think that but I just want you to feel your way through this. And if you're not feeling anything, that's great too. Just give yourself a nice little foot massage. Breathe deep. All right and when you're ready, you gonna open the feet as wide as you can, just like a book. You don't have to force it. And you'll grab the ankles, try to keep the feet open and then roll up really tall through your spine. Inhale, lots of love in, stay present. Exhale, relax your shoulders down. Lots of love out. Try to create more space. Inhale, lots of love in, lift your chest. Exhale, relax the shoulders down. Lots of love out. Great, take the left ear. Drop it over the left shoulder, breathe deep. So I'm actively kind of tagging some weight down through my right elbow. And then bring it up to center nice and easy breezy over to the other side. Oh, yeah. Awesome, bring it back to center. Take the hands, lift them up. Bring them to the outer edges of the legs, slowly close the knees together, lean back. Lift your shins. If this is too much on your back and we're kind of needing to nurture the back, you can keep the toes on the ground or heels on the ground. Otherwise, you're just gonna get a little core strengthening. You can hold on to the backs of your legs or you can send the fingertips out wide. We're just gonna breathe deep here and see if we can keep a nice calm, cool softness in the face. So soften your brow. And then the pose is really meant to inspire the breath and the breath there to nurture the pose. So the more we can sync those two things up, the better. So breathe deep. Awesome, then in the air here, see if you can catch some air. You're gonna cross one ankle over the other. Bring the palms together, and then we're gonna slowly clap and then rock all the way through and take it to Downward Facing Dog. Take your time getting there. Let each movement be soft and easy. Remember the intention of today's practice is not meant to bust your chops or break you, but rather to nurture. So let your movement and the way you move reflect that. Shake the head, soften through your jaw. And then here we go. We're gonna do baby steps all the way to the top of the mat, but really see how many steps you can take. So pay attention to the nuance. Try to stretch through the fascia of the foot, the ankles, the Achilles. You might crisscross the feet to get more into the calves and then through the backs of the knees, the hamstrings. Then once you arrive at the top of your mat, bring the feet hip width apart and bend your knees so that we can give some love, and by some, I mean a lot of love to your lower back. Clasp opposite elbow and breathe deep, inhaling lots of love in, as you bend your knees generously. And exhaling, relaxing the weight of your head over. Letting go. Fabulous, release the arms. Press in all four corners of the feet, tuck your chin into your chest and with so much love and tender loving care, roll up to Mountain Pose. And as you rise up here, try not to fidget and if you did, it's all good. Take what you need. And see if you can just pause and be still here. Allow your breath to evolve. Nice full loving breaths. Awesome, then we'll slowly bat the eyelashes open if your eyes were closed. We're gonna inhale, reach up, look up. And then exhale, soft bend in the knees as you open twist to the left. And then inhale, reach up, look up. Ground through the heels, exhale, soft bend both knees as you open twist to the right and then keep it going just like we did before. Inhale, reach up rise up. And sync up with your breath. Exhale, open, maybe look back and then inhale, reach up, look up, rise. Moving with your breath and again, protecting the knees by keeping them nice and bent every time you open twist. So most people practicing this will probably intuit that but just in case, be really mindful. Soft bend as you open twist. Let's do one more on each side. Nice yummy spa breaths. Inhale, reach. Awesome, then the next time you inhale, reach for the sky, bring the palms together. You could give it a clap if you like. And then we're gonna Forward Fold all the way back down. Great, then bend both knees here. Right fingertips are gonna come to the center of your mat. And then you're gonna slowly straighten just the left leg. Keep the right knee bent as you reach left fingertips up towards the sky. Big open twist and then take it down. Inhale. Exhale. Open twist to the right. Straighten the right leg. Keep the left knee bent. And back down and same thing. So you inhale to center, exhale the twist. And then you're alternating which leg is straight, which leg is bent. Alright, even it out. Bring it all the way down. Forward Fold. Awesome, from here, we're gonna bend the knees, plant the palms. I'm just gonna step one foot back and then the other. One Plank Pose in this practice just to wake up our center or core. Big breath in. And then exhale all the way down to the belly nice and slow. Loop the shoulders, pull the elbows back. Inhale, open the chest. Baby Cobra. And then release. Awesome, you're gonna press up to all fours, then curl the toes under and then peel it from your tail. Downward Facing Dog. Big breath in. Long breath out. Sweet, baby steps to the top of the mat. Take your time here. Really maximize this journey so you can find stretch in the side body. Again, waking up through the feet, tending to some tired legs by stretching through the Achilles, the calf. And then all the way back up to Forward Fold at the top of your mat. Great, feet hip-width apart, inhale, halfway lift, lengthen through the spine. And exhale to soften and bow. Root to rise here. Press into the feet, bend your knees a little, reach the fingertips way up high, big stretch. And then exhale, hands to heart. Mountain Pose. Take a deep breath in and a long breath out. Beautiful. So from here, we're gonna walk the feet together, really together. And I like to challenge my friends lately to try to do that without looking down. It's harder than you think. Then bring the palms together if they aren't already. We're gonna shift the weight to the left foot and slowly pick the right knee up high. So we're gonna squeeze and lift. Interlace the fingertips, squeeze and lift. Lift, lift, lift. You can rotate the right ankle one way and then the other. And then bring the left hand back at your heart space and you're gonna take the right foot and bring the right heel either all the way up to your left inner thigh or maybe drop it down to your left inner calf or maybe big toe on the ground for a Tree Pose. Hands on the heart, palm face down. So pick your Vrksasana today. And you're gonna try to hug everything into the midline as you open up through that right outer hip lengthen tailbone down. Think upper body lifting and back body grounding. And then tap into a little ocean breath here. You might soften your gaze down or challenge yourself or if it just feels better today, we're aspiring to look up. You might do that. Find your flavor and breathe deep. And then slowly bring the right knee back up, squeeze and lift. We're gonna inhale, reach for the sky. Standing one-legged Tadasana. And then check it out. Exhale, open twist to the right, whoa! Hug everything into the midline. Open, twist. You might create a little resistance between your left arm and your right knee. Maybe you look back, breathe deep. Inhale in and then exhale, release everything, Mountain Pose. Awesome work, super fun. Inhale, lift the chest. Exhale, relax the shoulders. All right, inhale, hands to heart. Shift your weight to your right foot. Bring the feet together without looking down. Awesome, then slowly lift the left knee up. So activate the core here. Interlace the fingertips, squeeze and lift. Press away from the earth. So press your standing foot down. Lift your chest. We're creating a healthy flow of energy with this little ditty here so stay focused. Breathe deep. Rotate the left ankle. It might start to get a little warm here. It's all good. And then the right hand comes to the heart and you'll find your Tree Pose on the other side, your version. And there's a tendency to kinda push into the right side of the body so let's balance out right side and left side of the body by pushing back a little bit. Finding that equilibrium, that balance. And then again, you might look up today or soft gaze down. Find what feels good. Maybe you challenge yourself by closing your eyes. And then notice what's coming up in your mind, your heart space and just breathe deep. Create a little warmth. Awesome, then you're gonna slowly inhale, lift the chest. And exhale, release. Bring that left knee back in. We're strengthening core here. Squeeze and lift, standing one-legged Tadasana. Inhale, reach for the sky and then exhale. Keep pressing into that standing leg, lift your left knee up, open twist to the left. Create a little resistance here, a little fulcrum. Hug navel in and up. So upper abdominals and lower bellies zip in towards your navel and you might look back past your left shoulder, breathe. And then use an exhale to release everything. Mountain Pose. Whoa, bring the feet together, really together. Bring the hands to your heart. Take a deep breath in. Exhale, close your eyes. Inhale. Cleansing exhale. Release something, let something go. Great. Final asana, we're gonna step the feet very wide. So feet will start parallel and then you'll inch your big toes in a hair. So you can really feel the outer edges of the feet connect. Inhale, hands together and lift your chest, lift your heart. Exhale, microbend in the knees as we've been doing, then you gonna send the hips back, lead with your chest. Standing wide-legged, Forward Fold. Eventually, the hands will come down to the earth. You might widen your stance, you might make it more narrow and then yogi's choice, my dear friends. You might bring the hands in line with the arches of the feet, bringing the crown of the head down. If headstand is your practice, you can send it up. Maybe we're here keeping the wrists right underneath the shoulders. You've done a lot of twisting, but if you're feeling it and you wanna continue, you can do open twist to the right and open twist to the left. So we'll take five cycles. Five mindful cycles of breath here. Engaging the inner thighs, staying connected to your core. Letting go of any stress or tension by simply breathing with consciousness. Keeping the skin of the face soft and relaxed. If you're upside down, make your way back down. If you're in a twist, even it out. We'll slowly walk the hands back out. And this time, bring them to the waistline. Bend the knees, activate your core. And again, with your heart, lead the way, rise up strong. Great, beautiful. Just feel the effects here, blood flow, energy, that flush. (breathing deeply) And then we're gonna slowly inch the feet nice and slow all the way back in and underneath us. Keep the hands on the waistline, and stand tall. Inhale, lots of love in. And exhale, relax the shoulders, lots of love out. Awesome work. Release the fingertips down to come up. We bring the palms together and all the way up to the third eye. Close your eyes and just feel this out for a second here. Feel your feet on the earth. Feel the energy that you stirred up. Blanket yourself in love here, and gratitude for taking the time to fill your cup. I wanna personally thank you for all you do to take care of others. Probably goes without saying, but I genuine, I'm gonna get emotional but I genuinely believe that this practice is a great tool for all of us to take better care of ourselves so that we can take care of each other. Treat everyone with the love and respect and kindness that the world needs. Can I get an amen? Okay, take a deep breath here. And exhale one last cleansing breath. The awesome in me bows to the awesome in you. Please share these practice with anyone who you think might benefit from it and I'll see you next week. Namaste. (upbeat music)