what's up everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene la edition here I am in Santa Monica and I'm wanting to kind of do a little bit of yoga but I'm also wanting to do a little relaxation so I just decided why not combine the two and do some yoga for couch potatoes so for all you couch potatoes and couch potatoes out there this one's for you some simple stretches to do on your couch let's get started okay so to begin you can get comfy on your couch nice right we're going to start nice and reclined we'll slowly gain awareness through the spinal column but just take a nice chill spot here depending on your couch you might be here or wherever feels good right or maybe you do want to sit up tall right away so just take a deep breath in close your eyes and let a long exhale out nothing fancy here just a couple of nice deep breaths let's do one more deep breath in and deep breath out okay you're done no I'm just kidding but sometimes that's all it takes right it's a couple deep breaths in and out okay so now we are going to sit up nice and tall you're going to go ahead and come to the edge of your couch here and of course every couch is different and so is every body so make it your own have fun here if there's a coffee table there and you can't do this maybe you need a slide to the edge live on the edge maybe give it a try okay we're going to extend the legs out long really flexing through the feet here if possible again you can be watching your show as you're doing this or you can be talking to someone and this is just kind of connecting to the lower body finding that sit bone to heel connection careful not to lock the knees even here why no we keep our mindfulness that we learn through our yoga practice even here on the couch and sit up nice and tall loop the shoulders forward up and back just a couple times here so the feet are flexed I'm looping the shoulders sitting up nice and tall find a gentle lift in the heart just that that kind of lifting the sternum that we often talk about and then we'll just take a second here to check in with the neck whew I wonder if the mic picked up that pop maybe a couple circles again nothing fancy not rigid here just nice and easy and then we're going to take it forward so we use the fingertips or the hands to kind of crawl down the legs again to also make sure that you're not locking out through the knees especially if you have a ten to do just that and the joints feet are staying flex I'm slowly sliding down I can still be looking up at my show and I just kidding let's take a break to bow the head forward so I'm getting a great hamstring stretch here's nice stretch in the back body another variation to try would be to come on to the soles of the feet keep the knees bent and take your forward fold here so it just depends on the height of your couch in your situation and of course the tightness of the hamstrings so that looks like this cool wherever you are you can stop looking at the video for a second just take a couple deep breaths in and out and then we'll slowly roll up and back onto our couch awesome side body stretch we just take it easy over to the side reach and through Center reach opposite side and then back to Center okay now to the hips and the hip flexors eventually in the quad so we're going to bring the soles of the feet to the mat whoa robot not to the mat to your rug to your earth to the metaphorical mat and we're going to cross the right ankle over the top of the left thigh already feeling it in my hip here so nice this couch is nice and low so I'm already getting a nice deep stretch I might just stay here and rotate the ankle one way and then the other this is a great one to remember or you'll go tool belt so you can do it in a couch and a couch setting or in a chair so good and then of course you want to take a little deeper you can lean forward and then gently release and switch other side left ankle crosses over the right so nice here it's like the perfect level couch for my hips today rotating that ankle if it feels good giving yourself a little massage maybe making the person next to you massage your foot yeah right and then if you want to take it a little bit deeper you just lean the heart forward a little bit take a deep breath in and then use an exhale to release awesome last thing are you ready we're going to take let's start with the left knee this time were to take the left knee down and gently walk the right foot forward so this also can be done in a chair and depending on the height of your couch is the benefit so for me this is a low couch so I'm going to go into more of the front of the hips hip crease like a crescent moon if you're on a higher couch you can really use gravity to really open up through the hip flexors and get a nice quad stretch and just kind of hold onto the back of your couch like so so it's going to look and feel a little different for everyone just be careful be mindful of course the knee and the ankle stacking and we take a couple of breaths here lift your heart if you're feeling fine and again if yours doesn't look like this because of your couch or your body you can still find what feels good there I've done this on chairs before and it's really nice to let the weight of the leg just drop and hold on with your upper body cool gently release and let's check it out on the other side this time right knee down and again if you're higher if you're lifted up higher you're not actually even putting any weight in your leg you're really letting it's kind of dropped down it feels really good this couch is a little low for me for that so I'm going to go ahead and walk my knee back a little bit just so I can feel a nice stretch through the front just lift your heart and then we'll come back to Center always be mindful when you're coming back - you never know right you want to be really mindful of the knees and that's it now you're ready for your show or you're ready to like do something hopefully you feel better about whatever it is you're going to do next because you just connected with your body another option after this is to just take a chill pill in a little cross-legged position or you know my favorite pose couch corpse I'm going to trademark that so I'm going to go into some couch corpse here and wish you a wonderful rest of your night or day and I'll see you next time take care everyone namaste you