hi everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and you asked for it today we have a longer sequence this is our third sequence in our yoga for weight loss series and it is a total body wake-up call so it's summertime here in Austin Texas and a lot of folks are looking to check in with the body to connect or reconnect with the body get in shape for the summertime so whether you're looking to lose weight or just find what feels good in the summertime this sequence is set up for you we're going to touch on all the major muscle groups we're going to integrate and focus on quality of movement and get in shape for the summertime find what feels good hop on the mat and let's begin [Music] okay so we're going to begin flat on the back Oh taking a second to lay out take a deep breath in then exhale let it go so even though we're gonna work a little bit hard today on the mat we're going to just set an intention here to always move with grace with ease to find what feels good and to be with the breath so just take a couple seconds here on your own to just check in with the breath check in with the body you can even pause the video here and and really take a couple seconds to just let the day go let the to-do list go and commit this time to yourself and your practice [Music] they begin to wiggle the toes wiggle the fingertips maybe open the mouth the jaw nice and wide lick your lips lick your chops begin to point and flex the feet notice that ripple effect opening and closing the palms choosing to have a full body experience here as we work out on the mat so I like to think of yoga as an opportunity to spin plates mindfully we're often asked to spend so many plates in the daily life so here we get to do it mindfully practice doing it mindfully inhale reach the fingertips up and overhead nothing fancy here just a full body stretch notice I've walked my heels in to be in line with my hip points here as I stretch it out take a deep breath in and on an exhale float it down hug your knees up to your chest wrap the arms around the shins tuck the chin into the chest lengthen through the back of the neck take a couple seconds here why not to rock a little side side then cross your right ankle over your left grab on to the outer edges of the feet always mindful the knees here as we inhale in and exhale rock it up you can rock it a couple times if that feels good I'm gonna come to a nice easy cross-legged position here now this might not be easy for you so go ahead and take a couple seconds to find ease so rather than it being easy we come into a place of ease as we inhale rolling up through the top of the head the crown of the head here maybe looping the shoulders a couple times and then we inhale draw the palms together at the heart inhale lift the sternum to the thumbs find that dual action tops the thighs draw down as I lift up through my heart same thing I'm extending through the crown of the head but grounding down through the shoulder blades tagging a little weight in the elbows take a deep breath in as you exhale interlace the fingertips press the palms forward and back climbing up through the side body here inhale in and exhale break reach the fingertips float down and away a couple more like this now a couple of notes here the lower body is gonna want to kind of come up here keep grounding through the lower body so remember your foundation is everything here building from the ground up so even the outer edges of my feet here have a brightness top so that the eyes draw down we come to prayer namaste inhale in sternum lifts to thumbs taking it nice and slow here in the beginning we interlace on the exhale and inhale and again reach it up forward up and back lots of space between the ears and the shoulders here so crawl the shoulders away from the ears we can begin to draw the hands away or if the shoulders are really tight you can keep a nice diagonal line here no problem so we're really establishing that we're here to notice the sensations not to master the art of yoga that's actually a trick question there because the art of yoga is really being in touch with those sensations take a deep breath in this time we can draw a line with the nose look up careful not to crunch the back of a neck on an exhale float the fingertips down opening the chest opening the shoulders inhale grounding through the tops of the thighs this time this time this town this towns are going to do some yoga this time jumping right in inhale reaching forward up and back exhale float it down great nice and easy here fingertips come to the sides we draw a couple circles with the nose here round and round notice how I'm letting my mouth stay open here so I'm not quenching my teeth or in my jaw reverse your circle if you have already and then I draw the palms back together at the heart deep breath in exhale let it out through the mouth great interlace inhale forward up and back exhale floating the fingertips down Shh and now spreading the palms we dive forward onto all fours okay so diving into all fours here right away I'm gonna spread my palms nice and wide walk my wrists underneath my shoulders here finding a comfortable base and then walking my knees underneath my hip points pressing into the tops of the feet as well here I'm gonna take my gaze straight down between my index fingers take a deep breath in and exhale press up and out of the palms that hand the earth connection here hasta bandha drawl the tops of the shoulders away from the ears elbow creases Shine towards the front of the mat now I'm even gonna press into the tops of my feet here and broad and through the back of the neck so gaze is straight down I'm extending through the crown of the head here now I'm not sinking into my bones here but I'm pressing up and out of my foundation again building everything from the ground up now I'm gonna check in with my Center I'm gonna light this fire in my belly and I'm gonna think about my core is this channel from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone so I'm not gonna let my lower belly draw down I'm gonna draw my navel up nice and long in the lower back and I'm not gonna collapse into my shoulders here but I'm gonna press up and out of my foundation now you might begin to feel a little bit of fussiness in the wrist haven't worked like this in a while or ever so I really really encourage you to check in with the sensations from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone to press up and out of the palms this is gonna help us in our standing postures and when things start to get a little heated we'll have integrity in the practice so to check in with that sensation furthermore I'm gonna inhale in exhale press my palms press into the tops of the feet and let the knees hover here now it's not a big hover it's just a small hover tops of the shoulders drawing away from the ears gates straight down navel draws up towards the spine now breathe here welcome that heat that energy that prana flowing through the body that shaky shake hold on to your integrity and remember the neck is an extension of the spine so keep the gaze down crown reaching forward one more breath in here hang in there and then exhale gently with ease slowly lower down kiss the two big twos together bring the knees as wide as the mat and then we're send it on back extended Child's Pose here we can open the palms if that feels good we can wiggle the fingertips if that feels great and let the forehead rest on the mat for three breaths [Music] breathing into the lower back maybe breathing into the belly here letting the heart melt down on the exhale now on your next inhale rather than just shooting a look up consider drawing a line with your nose up towards the front of the mat so we're beginning to move in this kind of Integrative way so rather than just looking up crowd you the back of the neck I'm really milking it finding what feels good sending some energy back through my sit bones as I draw a line with the nose I look forward spread the palms inhale reach forward then we come back to all fours here walking the knees underneath the hips and wrists underneath the shoulders inhale in exhale again we press up and out of our foundation find that hover here breathe nice long smooth deep breaths tops of the shoulders drawing away from the ears gazes straight down press into all your knuckles here press on all ten fingerprints see if you can grow a little bit taller and on an exhale with control with ease down this time elbows come where the palms were as I prepped for downward facing dog with a little puppy posture you're walking the knees back fingertips are gonna stay in line with the elbows here so they're gonna want to come in towards the center or out see if you can keep them nice and aligned with the elbows just notice as I walk the knees back and melt my heart down if the shoulders are tight we mainly come this far breathing and in time melting it back letting the pelvis tilt up towards the sky and then softening that lower ribcage in a couple of nice long smooth deep breaths here awareness and all ten fingerprints nice and strong then inhale integrative movement I draw a line with the nose you look forward and shift my weight so that my heart comes just in front of my elbows here now you might know where I'm at in here I'm gonna curl my toes under keeping the elbows underneath the shoulders and the wrists in line with the elbows I'm gonna inhale in curl the toes under and exhale extend through the heels now the crown of the head is going to want to collapse down keep that neck nice and long top so the shoulders are actively drawing away from the ears I'm drawing my navel in towards my spine and my sit bones down towards my heels now press up and on your foundation take one more deep breath in here and then exhale with control slowly rocking onto the knees and coming back to all fours last time here as we hover in tabletop spreading the palms wide inhale in exhale we lift up nice and easy so rather than pressing up think about levitating enjoy it right pressing up out of your foundation and then letting it hover enjoy your focus trade down here nice soft rusty as we look straight down long beautiful neck navel draws up really lengthening from crown of the head to tip at the tailbone this is hard work so breathe hang in there lots of integrity and on an exhale slowly lower down great curl the toes under reach the fingertips forward you can always send it back to extended Child's Pose instead of downward dog no problem or you can come to this puppy posture which is pretty much the same benefits as downward dog just a little more cooling less of an inversion so I'm gonna go up into downward facing dog by curling my toes spreading my palms wide and then today I'm gonna really tilt my pelvis up here and let that be what drives me up so tailbone lifts up towards the sky hip points lift I notice I'm keeping my knees bent here at first as I just check in with the body so you can stop looking at the video for a second here and just paddle the feet and find your dog today just notice the sensations here you can close your eyes and above all my friends take a nice sweet deep breath in and exhale let it out so I'm not trying to create the perfect downward dog shape even here I'm not trying to create the perfect downward dog shape for you I'm checking in with my dog later on I can work on action points of the pose but I'm pressing up and out of my foundation and just bringing a lie a little bit of life to the body okie dokie one more deep breath in here hang with me and exhale we slowly lower to our knees great come onto the fingertips come on to the tops of the feet walk your fingertips all the way up palms come to the tops of the thighs tailbone scoops under and lengthens down as I calm up here on my knees once again just as I did before I'm going to draw my palms together at the heart inhale lift sternum to thumbs exhale it release the fingertips inhale pressing into the tops of the feet for stability here softening the lower ribcage in some kind of knitting those those lower ribs in so lots of integrity and then tail bones drawing down I'm going to interlace the fingertips and inhale reach up full breath here stretching through the side body lifting up and then exhale floating the fingertips down and away opening the shoulders here we go again inhale pressing forward up and back exhale floating the fingertips away inhale maybe the neck starts to get a little bit involved maybe the nose traces the fingertips exhale Shh and this time we inhale open the palms wide spread the fingertips spiral the shoulders so we're really getting this spiral effect here as we open the heart inhale reach it up smile palms come together Jai and we'll all tuck our pelvis here lengthening the tailbone down and then exhale pranaam bowing bowing to that which is greater here we take a deep breath and exhale let it go draw a line with your nose inhale look forward spread the palms shift your heart forward curl your toes under and shimmy and on up again downward facing dog okay so we're starting to deepen the breath here we're starting to warm up the body create space from the sit bones to the heels I'm keeping an awareness and the space between my navel and my spine as I pedal the feet here and I'm even softening those lower ribcage those lower rib cages the lower rib cage here knitting them together I'm going to slowly walk up towards the front edge of my mat taking it nice and slow rolling through the foot have a little fun with it why not really massaging through the foot checking you with the sensations on the soles of the feet as I come up to the front edge of the mat feet either hip-width apart or flush together you decide nice conscious footing here now inhale draw your palms to the tops of the feet slide them all the way up to the thighs past the shins past the knees all the way up to the tops of the thighs we inhale loop the shoulders lift the heart extend through the crown of the head sit bone to heel connection here as I just you know check out where my weight is on my feet so this is gonna be different for everyone just check out where you are bring some integrity into the neck as we draw the navel up and inhale in on an exhale slide the palms past the knees past the shins back to the tops of the feet inhale in again sliding the palms now to the shins same thing here we loop the shoulders no locking in the knees here so nice and soft in the knees as I spread awareness through all four corners of the feet and lengthen the crown of the head forward deep breath in here shoulders away from the ears on the exhale slide it back down now bring your fingertips to the outer edges of the feet we inhale in these knees can be soft and bent here as we inhale in we loop the shoulders and slowly in without locking the knees look forward so we have three versions here a flat back one two and three and you can mix and match them throughout this practice on the exhale we soften and bow and then everyone topped your chin into your chest bend your knees generously drop your sit bones and slowly rolling up take your time stack the spine you know what to do here to curling that tailbone in noticing the sensations in the body as you rise up to the mountain pose it's here where you can take a second to put your hair behind your ear know to either bring the feet flush together or spread the toes and keep them nice and hip with the part now Tadasana we inhale lift the heart up loop the shoulders tailbone lengthens down I draw energy up through the arches of the feet and here I go inhale spiraling the shoulders I inhale reach up palms kiss together here and then exhale I'm gonna soften the knees as I bend forward all the way Lewton asana forward fold now inhale lift up to your flat back position your version and then exhale soften and bow back up the way we came open the palm spiral the shoulders bend the knees inhale reach it up palms kiss together and we exhale back down to the heart three more just like that picking up a little bit with speed inhale moving mindfully reach it up exhale diving forward no locking of the knees here any a lift a flat back position your version find your own expression here be with the breath as you exhale soften and bow inhale open the palms spiral the shoulders reach it up and exhale back down at the heart tailbone down tucking the pelvis I'm going from here this is like I love you a bushel and a peck to really drawing my Center underneath me so head over heart heart over pelvis that's what I mean by tucking in the pelvis get that question a lot here okay one more time inhale open the palms spiral those shoulders open armpit chest lifts up its palms come together and we soften the knees to bow forward inhale lift up to flat back position mix and match your version inhale extend and exhale soften and bow inhale spiraling the shoulders reach it up and exhale back down to the heart take a deep breath in exhale interlace the fingertips soften in the knees inhale pressing the palms forward up and back just like before and exhale releasing the fingertips and taking it all the way down notice how I'm keeping the knees nice and bent here inhale this lifting and listening lifting up to a flat back position and exhale soften and bow now this time step your right leg back into a runner's lunge take a couple of breaths here to just find your footing walking those left and that left heel out so we're not on a tightrope nice wide base here I like to work with a nice wide base I pressed it to my right big pinky toe and to each his own you might find that you need to lower this right knee here take your left thumb peel that left hip crease back just check it out my friends make sure you're breathing don't worry about doing it right just notice the sensations in the body your body will tell you what to do so inhale everyone loop your shoulders heart radiates forward and on an exhale plant your palms and think about drawing your left leg all the way up so we're working the core here so we're not just brushing this leg back really heavy we're pressing up and out of our foundation as we make this transition so I press up lift that leg and step it back down dog pedal the feet breathe deep softening that lower ribcage again head and neck is nice and loose so make sure your wiggle your neck make sure you're not holding hmm not for me I'm going to inhale in exhale come onto my tippy tip toes and then slowly shifting forward I'll lower my knees and come back to that tabletop position drawing the navel up pressing up out of my palms inhale in here then exhale out through the mouth inhale and again slowly pressing into my foundation I'm going to extend the right toes out towards the back of my mat now you'll notice that the weight is gonna want to shift over into the left side of the body here but I'm gonna try to keep my shoulders square my heart lifted my navel drawing up towards my spine and then I'll slowly take my right toes and turn them towards the left side of the mat so I'm dropping that left hip bone down here as I do that action and then I can release the right toes back to that so doesn't have to be so high I want to keep my hip bones level here and remember we can always adjust our hands adjust our feet empower yourselves to really be the director here to notice the sensations and make adjustments explore be expressive based on those sensations so when we're really listening to the body we're really doing it right inhale in exhale draw everything in towards Center carve a line with your right knee and draw your nose to your knee presa navel draws up towards the heavens pressing into the palms two more of these inhale nice and slow notice my gaze is straight down here dropping that hip bone pressing up and out of the palms on an exhale nose to knee one more inhale extend tops of the shoulders drawing away from the ears and exhale carving a line with my knee nose to knee great inhale last time extend out this time I'm gonna press into my right palm draw my navel up and then reach the left fingertips towards the front of the mat so right toes back left fingertips forward I'm pressing up and out of my foundation to keep my shoulders level my hip points level lots of hard work here inhale in and then exhale find the ease with control we release it back down great take a second if you need to roll your wrists or take a breath or to an extended Child's Pose and then we come back to all fours spreading the palms pressing up and out of my foundation inhale extend the left toes out so switching sides now really extending through the toes here I reach reach reach weights gonna want to come in to the right side body I'm going to keep it nice and even or at least I'm going to set intentions to keep it nice and even building that strength in the body nice and slow navel draws up I turn my left toes now towards the right side of the mat or the right side of the room really dropping this left hip excuse-me left toes towards the right side yeah dropping this left hip bone pressing up and out of the palms extend through the crown of the head the back of the neck is nice and long here there's no crunch no drop beautiful straight line now inhale in exhale nose to knee navel draws up lower belly inhale extend nice and slow don't let all the way collapse into the right body but keep it nice and center right side buddy nose to knee inhale extend exhale nose to knees inhale extend keep the left toes extending draw your navel up towards your spine press up and out of the left palm and inhale right fingertips reach forward so I'm reaching with my right fingertips I'm extending through my left toes hearts lifting I'm pressing up and out of my foundation I'm breathing deep I might be trembling a little bit here but I'm smiling finding the ease and on an exhale I slowly lower down again take a second to roll through the wrists if you need to breathe we can always go to extended Child's Pose otherwise I'm going to walk my fingertips forward curl the toes under and send it on back downward facing dog peddling the feet here for a couple breaths and then arriving in a little bit of stillness here letting the breath do the movement a couple of action points here spreading awareness through all of my palm all the knuckles all ten fingerprints really pressing up and out of the palms finding this external rotation in the shoulders and then this internal rotation of the tops of the thighs inhale drop your left heel slide the sole of the right leg up towards the heavens now same thing we did in all fours here I'm not going to let my weight come in to the left side body but I'm gonna try to keep my my shoulders square here maybe turn the right toes towards the left side of the mat to feel that right hip point or right hip bone dropping then everyone inhale lift your right foot a little bit higher as you drop your left heel take a deep breath in and exhale bending all the way up into our runners lunge great slowly lower that left knee down come on to the top of the left foot i interlace my fingertips bring them to the top of the right thigh and press my heart up really paying attention to my footing here so maybe coming to that nice wide base if that feels more stable but then also integrating from the tail to the crown of the head drawing that tailbone down if you need to pad the knee here you can you can also double up on the mat here like so revealing the bottom of your mat to the world okay so I'm here I'm not sinking in just yet I'm nice and stack so I'm again softening the lower ribcage I'm lifting up through the crown of the head inhale palms come together my legs are working super hard here by the way I'm squeezing my inner thighs in towards the center and it's almost as if I'm trying to press up and out of that back leg so I'm not soft and not sinking in I'm lifting up legs are nice and strong palms back together at the heart take a deep breath in exhale interlace inhale now sinking forward with integrity mindful as I inhale reach forward up and back crescent moon on the exhale bend the elbows release the fingertips open the shoulders wide palms back together at the heart inhale lift the sternum to the thumbs exhale interlace inhale and again as we reach the palms forward up and back breathing into that left hip crease bend the elbows open the shoulders just moving with your breath here one more inhale beautiful belly comes to the top of the thigh palms come to the mat and I curl the back toes under and step it back downward facing dog peddling the feet for a couple breaths then once again finding that stillness knees can stay bent here as generously as you need breathe now drop the right heel inhale slide the sole of the left leg up so I'm sole the left foot so I'm not just wasting my left leg up okay I'm integrate I'm using that integrative movement so it's not what we're doing but how we're doing it the quality of movement here as I slide and extend integrating every muscle fiber right heel continues to drop turn your left toes towards the right side of the mat dropping that left hip bone pressing up and out of the palms breathe here everyone so even if the leg only goes this high or this high that's great but we're not wanting to come all the way into that right shoulder here but keep the shoulders nice and square now on your next in you know everyone lift your left leg a little bit higher wherever it's at and then take it on through carving a line with the knee up and we come to the other side dropping the right knee down coming on to the top of that right foot there's no rush in transition so take your time here interlace the fingertips squeeze those inner thighs together find that mula bandha that lift from the pelvic floor more on that later and there's another video on that as we inhale loop the shoulders and come to find our footing squeeze the inner thighs together palms come together at the heart head over heart heart over pelvis pelvis is gonna want to tuck out here but I'm gonna draw it in lighting that fire in my belly inhale and exhale interlace here we go inhale gently mindfully with an attention on that back foot so don't forget about your foundation as I inhale press it forward up and back on an exhale notice the sensations and the right of that hip crease that right hip crease as I bend the elbows and float it back sorry it's hard to talk and feel the sensations here I'm normally walking around the room while do this so sinking into that front knee make sure it doesn't go past that front ankle as I reach forward and back opening the heart navel draws in as I exhale [Music] and one more follow your breath in him belly comes to the top of the thigh for stability I plant my palms curl my back toes under and this time I'm gonna lift that back knee and rock the back foot up to meet the front forward fold now often people ask me I though I can't do it in one step who cares take ten billion steps enjoy the journey as we come all the way back up to forward fold uttanasana in time we'll build those intercostal muscles and we'll have the strength most likely to step that leg up but it takes time let it all hang take a deep breath in a newton Ahsan as we exhale grab the elbows if that feels good Rock a little side to side then releasing the hands in hand lift up to flat back position your version and exhale soften and bow spiral the shoulders open your palms bend your knees and reach it up inhale full breath full body experience and exhale back down at the heart jumping right in for more inhale reach it up enjoy this next move as we exhale soften the knees and bow forward breathe inhale lift up flat back position your version and exhale soften and bow inhale stepping the right leg back runners lunge this time you can lower that back knee or keep it lifted as we spiral the shoulders and inhale reach it up to high lunge exhale drawing the shoulder blades in together and down peeling that left hip crease back finding your footing so drawing energy up from the earth inhale in here exhale float the fingertips down and around to come together palms back at the heart okay inhale squeezing the inner thighs together we interlace here and reaching forward inhale palms reach forward up and back on an exhale you can stay here for a couple breaths but on an exhale we release same as before pressing into that back pinky toe inhale forward and back last time inhale interlace to come out belly comes to the top of the thigh step one step two palms to the mat step it back downward facing dog lifting that back leg up and we breathe this time we can lower to the knees but we're gonna imagine us a nice hurdle here in the center of my mat we've done this in a couple other videos and I'm really digging on the hurdle here in my public classes so imagine there is a hurdle here I'm gonna draw the navel up and over so I'm going over that hurdle so rather than just sliding into plank I'm going up and over so pressing up and out of the earth you can come to plank here or lower the knees for a half playing no problem if you do lower than these make sure that you still create this nice long line from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone here so we're not letting the pelvis poke out or hang in a head and tailbone lengthening down towards the backs of the knees great everyone inhale in here exhale slowly go up and over back that hurdle downward facing dog two more like that up and over and back last one up and over navel draws up plank pose and back up and over dropping through the heels lots of space between the ears and shoulders here and then we inhale lift the right toes step the right leg up runners lunge now we can lower the knee here if we need to otherwise we're going to keep it lifted keeping a nice awareness in that left pinky toe here finding my footing knees stacked above the ankle and inhale opening the hands I reach it up as I press into my front foot high line right hip creases peeling back breathing into the front of that left hip crease float your fingertips down and away palms come together at the heart inhale lift your sternum to your thumbs exhale interlace here we go again find your expression move with your breath inhale pressing the palms forward lengthening through the crown of the head up drawing a line and back exhale bending softening through the elbows we release inhale reach forward up and back squeezing the inner thighs together for stability on the exhale soften and release one more inhale strong lower body navel draws in exhale lower belly in elbows down to come out belly to the top of the thigh step1 step2 palms to the mat i'm gonna step it back to plank I can go to half plank here I'm gonna show half plank here crossing the ankles I'm gonna tuck my pelvis lengthen down to the tailbone straighten my arms press up and out of my foundation now I can do this here in plank as well chaturanga practice so a lot of people are intimidated by chaturanga think about this as practice as I inhale in exhale bend the elbows just half way whatever your halfway is today now pressing back up we're gonna do three of these we got this inhale don't let the neck go keep drawing the tailbone down towards the backs of the knees on an exhale bend your elbows notice how I'm not bending them left to right but keeping them nice and close to the side body press it up even if you only been half an inch here that's gravy baby it's got to start somewhere right transformation is hard but that's what we're here for inhale in marrying it with the ease nice and long in the neck now this time either with the knees on the floor or lifting plank I'm gonna lower all the way down nice and slow or lower down until you collapse down my friends and come on to the belly go ahead and take a couple seconds here to rock a little side-smile to a deep breath in then exhale bring the tops of the feet to the mat heels are in line with the hip points here drawing the tail down pelvic bone or pubic bone pressing to the earth I'm going to inhale drawing the elbow excuse me underneath the shoulders spreading the palms nice and wide elbows underneath the shoulders again pressing into my foundation by pressing into the pubic bone pressing into the tops of the feet and then growing tall from there and then hey finding that extension through the crown of the head so I'm not crunching in the neck here I'm really allowing the shoulder blades draw in and together and down spread the palms and then my elbows kind of have this active sensation there even drawing away from each other as if I were trying to tear the mat in half strong foundation as from there I grow tall extending through the crown of the head now soften the lower ribcage and again breathing into the abdominal wall feeling the sensations in the body not giving up with the integrity so really pressing into the foundation no collapsing into the bones here now maintain that as we inhale in again pressing through the foundation exhale draw a line with your nose pass your right shoulder shoulder blades in and together and down I find that extension in the crown of the head here really breathing into the left side of the neck then exhale come back to Center and sit and same thing on the other side taking it to the other side drawing a line with the nose past the left shoulders I breathe into the right side of the neck but also press up and out of my foundation and extend through the crown lots of sensations here as I inhale in exhale back to Center slowly drop your chin to your chest release palms go to where the elbows were here we curl the toes under and first we press it to the top of the push-up inhale exhale back downward facing dog dog pedal the feet now you can experiment with how long or short your dog is here I'm gonna inhale in Wacka my toes up just a little bit then my knees generously belly comes to the tops of the thighs now remember that hurdle that up and over action as I bend the knees generously and just play around open yourself up to a new experience mend the knees and then inhale in and exhale hop towards the front of your mat if you don't make it walk up towards the front edge of the mat and let it hang over roots on us and grab the elbows Rock a little side to side breathe in and out release the hands inhale lift up to flat back position your version remember we can mix and match here and on an exhale soften and bow bend the knees spiral the shoulders open the palms inhale reach it up and exhale back down at the heart [Music] softening the knees open the palms spiral the shoulders and inhale reach it up nice full deep breath palms kiss together over the head and I exhale back down at the heart jumping right in inhale reach it up last time exhale soft and the knees as I dive forward enjoy this move inhale lift to flat back your version long beautiful neck exhale soften and bow heel-toe heel-toe the feet together plant the palms by bending your knees and hop it back to plank surprise yourself great stretch out through the backs of the legs remember that sit bone to heel connection as I press up and out of the palms inhale in keep extending through the left heel lift your right leg up it doesn't have to be a big lift just a little lift now for five nice long deep breaths I'm going to move this leg remember finding the ease remember hovering in that tabletop position where I press up and out of the palms two more breaths here you can do it navel towards the spine find the grace find the exhale release knees come to the mat come on to the tops of the feet fingertips walk back up to the tops of the thighs and we inhale spiral the shoulders reach it up tailbone draws down as the palms come together at the heart great diving back in for more roll your wrists a couple of times back to tabletop position then curl your toes under send it back to plank sit bone to heel connection pressing up and out of the palms extension through the crown of the neck crown of the head long beautiful neck send that energy through your right heel first it's gonna help then inhale in exhale lift the left leg five breaths you can let it just stay spreading the toes or I find it helps to move moving breathing smiling strong upper bodies strong core nice awareness from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone two more breaths here as you lift the back of that left thigh towards the sky and then exhale when you're ready lower down go ahead and bring the two big toes together widen the knees as wide as the mat and send it back to extended Child's Pose this time knees nice and wide palms are going to come together and swim forward up and back here palms and prayer kind of coming into a little sharks in here as we Rock a little left to right and breathe and forehead rests on the mat fingertips can soften here on your next inhale imagine breathing into your lower back feel the skin of your back stretch as you breathe in and on an exhale imagine sending your sit bones down to kiss the soles of your feet feeling that stretch in the shoulders the arms now remember it's not what we're doing but how we do it so pay attention to your quality of movement on this next move as we inhale slowly draw a line with the nose look forward fingertips come down enjoy your focus here as you spread the palms finding what feels good lifting the heart up and over we come back to all fours walking the knees underneath the hips we're directly underneath the shoulders now inhale in here press up and out of your foundation you can curl the toes under here actually that's all go ahead and curl the toes under here and start from this hovering place as we lift the knees and then send it up and back down dog inhale in exhale keep the toes curled under as we drop the knees two more like this press up and out down dog for a little more here you can bend the elbows halfway then send it up and back let's do one more keep those elbows in line with the shoulders downward facing dog great walk your dog out a little bit longer here peddle the feet take a deep breath in exhale go up and over the hurdle chaturanga practice hugging those elbows into the side body send your gaze slightly forward as we rock forward onto the toes elbows hug in we slowly lower down or lower down until we collapse down and smile laugh fart loop the shoulders inhale lift up Cobra no crunching in the back of the neck exhale soften and release curl your toes under press up to plank inhale exhale down dog dropped the heels okay now hang with me as we drop the left heel inhale slide the sole the right leg up you exhale I'm gonna take my right knee forward and around to kiss the right elbow inhale reach it up exhale right knee carves a line straight through Center nose to knee navel draws up inhale drop the left heel right toes up exhale shifting forward right knee to left elbow they kiss and we step the right leg up into our lunge from here squeeze the inner thighs together spiral the shoulders inhale send everything up sinking into that front knee palms come together dive a celebratory namaste and then exhale all the way back down vinyasa plant the palms step it back to your plank or half plank experiment hug the elbows into the side body send your gaze forward shift your heart slightly forward and slowly lower down all the way to the belly and inhale lift up Cobra follow your breath exhale inhale curl the toes under draw your navel up press on your palms plank and exhale down dog drop the right heel slide the sole the left leg up and inhale coming forward high lunge spiral the shoulders inhale reaching the fingertips back to come up dry palms kiss together above the head and then exhale belly to the top of the thigh fingertips to the mat as we step that right foot back to meet the front forward fold inhale lift to flat back position your version and exhale soften and bow now from here heel toe heel toe the feet as wide as your mat I'm gonna come into the center of my mat to demonstrate this take a couple breaths here just to let it go notice how my knees are bent no need to show off here no need to lock the knees ever so I'm wanting to let the body integrate and stretch nice and long from crown to tail great so I'm gonna turn to face you but you stay just where you're at now I'm gonna open my toes a little bit wide so your toes might depending on how long your legs are they might come off your mat feel strange here okay fingertips come to the mat as I inhale look forward just like I do in flat back position exhale Bend those knees drop your sit bones and come into a yogic squat if you're like ha ha very funny Adriene then you might grab a block or a blanket and put it underneath your sit bones just to provide a little bit of lift disability or you might lift your heels and do it this away so no worries that the feet are not flat on the ground okay so what I am doing here is keeping that lift in my heart and this integrity that we've build we've built excuse me from the crown of the head at the tip of the tailbone so no matter what variation you're in I'm not collapsing over but I'm keeping this lift for my heart's plugging through the palms can come together here at the heart if that feels good outer edges of the arms press the knees wide if that feels appropriate otherwise I can keep my palms or my fingertips steady on the ground my friends now a couple deep breaths to breathe into the hips to keep that lift in the heart the lower rib cage still softening it full-body experience here as I breathe now if your fingertips are on the mat keep them there and keep breathing if your palms are together take a deep breath in lift your sternum to your thumbs and then interlace and squeezing everything in so almost as if you're trying to lift up from the pelvic floor interlace the fingertips draw the tops of the thighs out and away as you press the palms forward up and back then exhale bending release interlace inhale reach it up exhale softening at the elbows so I just don't want straight arms because then we don't get to kind of integrate that movement it just kind of ends up being rigid so let's try again interlacing and then exhale soften and those let's do one more inhale exhale draw your navel in Shh [Music] namaste thank you blue to come out of the posture I'll slowly release my palms to the mat find that lift in the heart to rock forward on to my feet I'm gonna turn to the side here just for you to see then from here I'm gonna walk my palms out straight arms and then slowly shift knees back underneath hips tabletop position here and then crossing the ankles I'm gonna mindfully come on through to seated or I can sweep my legs to one side and come that way mindfully back down through to seated where I'll bring the soles of the feet to the mat and find that sit bone connection here as I draw up through my torso and find that lift in the heart here inhale palms together now feet are not together they're in line with my hip points palms together here loop the shoulders inhale in lift the heart exhale interlace inhale open the knees wide soles of the feet are going to come up as you inhale reach forward up and back [Music] now soften the ribcage to your navel towards the spine inhale in exhale float the fingertips away as the knees come in now palms come together at the heart I inhale lift my sternum to my thumbs now I can stay here I can already feel my abdominal wall kind of engaging here can totally stay here my friends or you can begin to walk your heels a little bit up and lift the soles of the feet so again I can stay here or I can lift the soles now I'm not collapsing here I'm using everything we did in our practice so far it's particularly in the torso from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone to keep that integrity here to keep that pressure out of the lower back and to maintain this core strength from here to here so not just here but all throughout loop the shoulders inhale and you can stay here or exhale send your fingertips forward palms face up so elbow creases towards the sky just allowing the shoulders to drop in so again I have several variations here here here or here now inhale in you can stay here or bring the fingertips to the backs of the legs and I'm going to close the knees so I'm just checking it when the hard ones to collapse then I'm going to take a step back and begin to breathe and find that lift in the heart again now I can stay here or inhale in and then exhale straighten the legs reach it up heart lifts as the toes reach up exhale Bend maybe coming to the fingertips here lightening the load on the arms inhale heart lifts up toes reach up with heart and then exhale I'm feeling it inhale reach it up shoulders loop open throat chin inhale heart lifts now you can stay here here we have all these variations basically I'm just giving you a billion in wine variations to engage from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone slowly lowering excuse me softening the lower ribs in now if you're feeling adventurous don't even worry about the posture but inhale in if you're feeling like you have this integrity in the spine on an exhale see what happens if you shoot your legs up and your fingertips forward inhale in exhale shoot yeah and then back inhaling so we're not holding we're just experimenting playing inhaling exhale shoot it out inhale in exhale shoot it up and one more time just for fun inhale in exhale look up great fingertips come to the backs of the legs we're all gonna enjoy this move as we inhale in smile and then exhale rock it back rock it a couple times if it feels good and then slowly we'll come to lay flat on the back taking a deep breath in hugging the knees into the chest just like we did before rocking a little side to side now everyone relax your shoulders relax your face feel the quality of air in the room wherever your now take the fingertips interlace bring them behind the head elbows nice and wide here breathe into the armpit chest inhale in and then exhale lift the shins parallel to the ceiling inhale in as you exhale lift the heads the heart the elbows up off the ground and nice and easy nothing fancy we're just going to begin to alternate here bringing the right elbow towards the left knee as we straighten through the right leg and then switching the move with the breath just a couple of these before we move on to flat back breathing [Music] well nice and slow imagine you're at the pool feel the skin kissing your face even it out then we'll come back to hug in the knees to the chest lowering the head tucking the chin to lengthen through the back of the neck Rock a little side to side if that feels good then exhale release the hands and allow your feet to come to the mat with a thud if that felt great do it a couple more times inhale exhale soles hit the mat feels awesome that kind of ricocheted here in him and one more great reclined twist palms come to the mat excuse me come to the earth and inhale drawing the knees in exhale melting the knees to the right and here's where I pass it on to you keep your shoulders rooting down but allow the knees to melt from one side to the other stretching those intercostals but if you want to bring more awareness more strength to the core you cannot allow the legs to actually touch the ground and just let them hover so each time I'm twisting and then using mine able to draw back find a way to synchronize this with the breath of course you can close your eyes great go ahead and even it out here and then allow the outer edge of the feet to come to the mat as we transition through a reclined butterfly here drawing the fingertips down opening the palms press into your head lift the shoulder blades up draw them in and together and down so the shoulders are drawing down away from your ears here there's lots of space here lots of space between my lower back in the mat take a deep breath in here and exhale sigh it out now you can stay here to finish your practice here today and do not skip this pose my friends I'm tempted to skip this posture at home too but take at least five breaths in a shavasana today either with the soles of the feet together here or 5 to 15 juicy minutes here as we draw the right leg out the left leg out let the legs open wide let the armpit chest breathe we close our eyes we lengthen through the back of the neck and we take this time to acknowledge ourselves first take a deep breath in full of gratitude we're taking a time to do a video today to be with our ponies to be with the breath hopefully collecting and gathering a little bit of information creating a little bit of space and toning and building strength in the body inhale lots of love in and exhale letting [Music] okay so that was the third sequence in our Yoga for weight loss series you can interchange this with the other two that we have thus far we're gonna have more coming in the future but for now and just know that this is something that is not intended for you to master yogi master right away it's built to inspire you for transformation either on the outside for summer time on the inside for all the time to find what feels good and be the best version of yourself so have fun with it take your time do what you can write questions comments below let me know how I can help you and like I said you can interchange this with the other two videos and have quite a yummy workout for your week so I hope to hear from you thank you for all your feedback thus far and namaste [Music] [Music]