what's up everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and today on the channel we have on the go yoga or Street yoga take your yoga off of that and integrate everyday this is something that I thought fell in line with kind of our back to basics month I'm just kind of remembering that you know yes the yoga is about the poses but we can kind of take the principles of yoga and our experiences and the tools of yoga and all those yummy things that we talk about all the time off the mat too and so you can do this video in your street clothes yay you can memorize these little things and let them inspire you to do things off your mat maybe you're waiting in line maybe you're waiting for class to start maybe it's a study break for you maybe you're super pissed off and you exit a room to cool off and so you have these things at your fingertips you know kind of what you do with it is totally up to you but this is just kind of a reminder and a little playtime for us all to remember that like you don't have to always have 15 minutes a yoga mat and some fancy tight pants on dange out and wearing tight pants but you know you can do this in your street clothes alright let's hop on the mat or not let's hop into our bodies and learn to street yoga all right so the first pose we're going to learn today or practice today is Mountain Pose this is definitely a situation where there is more than meets the eye kind of more always available and this is like the number one pose that I think I've taken to my everyday life so I take off the mat and into my world so we're gonna practice it together this may be a beginning Mountain practice for you so you might just start slow and begin to connect to the feet if you're deepening your practice or you're reminding yourself these principles really start to breathe deep even here even in this quick little sequence nice full breaths everyone let's come feet hip-width apart to start go ahead and lift your toes press into all four corners of the feet so you're going to press into the ball joint of the big toe then the ball joint of the pinky toe and then really shift your weight back into your heels then release your toes down and then we're just gonna kind of rock front rock back Rock front rock back and you might close your eyes once you know what you're doing and just kind of feel where you're carrying your weight and then we'll soften the knees and see if we can spread awareness out through all four corners of the feet so you might not close your eyes and Rock front Rock back anywhere in place but you can kind of connect to your feet even if they're in shoes and just kind of draw energy up from the earth as you spread awareness throughout the whole foot then keep drawing energy up the body and we'll just take a couple breaths here as we loop the shoulders forward up and back so big breath in soft knees and on a big breath out kind of tack a little weight in your fingertips here begin to open up through the ears the shoulders open up through the ears you know what I mean so a couple more loops here on your own so we just tackled the feet we drew energy up through the body we loop the shoulders we found a little energy and the fingertips now draw energy up through the crown of the head and see if you can kind of grow a little bit taller and longer through the torso now this is something you can do anytime anywhere I think within reason so don't get all fancy on me in the comment box tuck your pelvis let your tailbone grow heavy imagine the crown of the head is like the tip or the top of the mountain fingertips the arms gently down at the sides take a deep breath in and a deep breath out deep breath in Long breath out cool to finish Mountain Pose today this is a great thing I can do like inline waiting or anytime really I'm gonna interlace the fingertips behind my tailbone and draw the knuckles down in a way as they open out just opening the chest a lot of us do this naturally so if you do this with a little awareness onto your feet a little softness and the knees and an openness of the chest and heart I think you can really turn your day around so take a deep breath in here lift your sternum up towards the sky and then release shake it off all right next thing we're gonna do we're gonna keep the feet hip-width apart so you can kind of build this off of your mountain and we're just gonna take the hands to the hips here loop the shoulders open the chest lift your heart so kind of coming out of this UNCHR umple we tend to kind of go into our habitual selves more weighting or just kind of like on the go like sinking into one hip punching over of course the cell phone back you know so we're going to give ourselves a little stretch here to just kind of come out of that and reprogram hopefully so hands come to the waistline here we stand up nice and tall then I'll take my right fingertips reach them up and over nice and easy so this is something that you know you can do in a public place like you can either like really embrace it or you can just kind of close your eyes and soften or soften your gaze and get a little side body stretch in so take a deep breath in and a long breath out relax your shoulders one more deep breath in and then we'll come to Center and switch nothing fancy here nice and easy stretching through the left side body now again notice if the shoulders are starting to kind of creep up here so relaxing down find a little movement find what feels good and then we'll take a deep breath in and then use the exhale to shake it off okay the next thing we're going to do is a nice quad stretch really connecting to the lower body and really doing it in a mindful way so chances are you've done the stretch before naturally especially if you like to run a walk or jog but we're gonna do it just with a little more intention so really spreading awareness through your left foot as you shift your weight over so we're not just collapsing into that that leg but we're really keeping that lift that we connect to and Mountain Pose as we grab the right ankle connect to our balance to hold on just that stability and focus you might just find a little point on the floor or on the wall or something in front of you around you to place your gaze upon and then when you've caught up with me here we're going to connect to just that center channel of energy as it draws up and you can do this kind of inconspicuously or you can just like go balls-out right I tend to go balls-out a little bit more I think this channel is just kind of opened me up to just you know like blam and out some warrior two at the taco stand you know but you want you want to be true to yourself like you don't want to be annoying to other people you don't want it to feel good but also just be mindful of others whatever stretch do your yoga be bold right what's that quote that Marion Cummings quote that Nelson Mandela shares anyway rambling quad stretch hug the right knee into the center lift your heart stand up nice and tall and then just notice if you're rolling this is a hard core tendency onto the outer edge of your standing leg or the inner arch and see if you can really spread awareness through all four corners of the feet just as we did in our Mountain Pose then breathe deep here wherever you are just be aware it be where you are today so if your heels not coming into the buttock no worries in time that that muscle get nice and long if you're feeling adventurous reach your left fingertips around to interlace with your right then loop the shoulders and lift the armpit chest so we're here breathe deep bring a little energy to your right foot so you might flex that right foot strong or you can point the toes but nice full body connect here take one more deep breath and then exhale release awesome the same thing on the other side super easy here as we spread awareness through the right foot catch the left ankle squeeze that left knee into the center line and then fine energetic body super important for me that's what makes like it yoga on the go really like it was opposed to just like stretching when you're bored or trying to use your time wisely whatever that means you you know it's about kind of connecting to your breath and your energetic body as well so we give it a stretch here again reaching the right fingertips around interlace if it feels good if not make keep a hand on the waist or on a chair or wall or windowsill take one more deep breath in full body experience and then exhale shake it off okay the next thing we're gonna do is a little neck and shoulder love okay I do this all the time anytime anywhere I'm a neck and shoulder I say that okay drop your chin to your chest this one you can sit down for this one you could do in the car this one's a great one for your yoga tool belt I'm gonna stay standing in mountain and drop my chin to my chest I'm gonna lean front and lean into the toes I'm gonna lean back and then I'm gonna try to square off through the feet if you're seated just see if you can stack neck over heart heart over pelvis close your eyes here trust take a deep breath in breathe into the back of the neck feel this line from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone all the way down to your two heels and then we'll slowly rock right ear over right shoulder stretch through the left side also connecting to a longer breath here if it feels good and then through Center chin to chest and left ear over left shoulder and I just don't know how you don't connect to a longer breath here like it's just one of those things it's so simple but it's like okay calm down or be patient or you know okay chin to chest and then we'll lift the head back up fingertips come to the shoulders elbows squeezing inhale lift your heart stand up nice and tall exhale ground through all four corners of the feet here we go drawing big circles elbows reach forward up and back taking your time here finding what feels good careful not to lock the knees so these can grow larger and larger if you feel inspired to move the head and the neck here please do and you might hear some crackles with this movement a little soundtrack and I don't know if this is right or wrong but what I do in my personal life is I kind of do these things same with the neck rolls I do them nice and slow and mindful but I kind of do it until this the sound stop so if you think that's a bad and then I need to stop them let me know in the comments and tell me why but it's kind of nice it's like I kind of work out all the kinks that's how I know when to stop and then I'm like okay all the all that cartilages soundtrack is gone really I'm out okay the last thing we're gonna do is boot on asana forward fold this is awesome I mean I can't tell you how many times I'm just like taking the liberty to do a forward fold in the grocery store so apologies to the person behind me or you're welcome anyway okay so we are going to keep the feet hip-width apart here for now of course you can bring your feet together if you're wearing heels and you're doing this I think of everything you need to be super mindful okay you need to see you need to like close your eyes and visualize your anatomical body and maybe slip your shoes off you know if you're in a place where you can or bend your knees super generously and keep the palms on the tops of the thighs alright you know what to do deep breath in big breath out deep breath in and diving in so some of these like yoga on-the-go poses you know we blast through in class so it's nice to just remember you always have the tools of yoga at your fingertips so I'm bending my knees super generously you're bringing the belly to the tops of the thighs you can grab your ankles if you're like in a festival setting it's what it is nice to give your ankles a little massage and just take it like even if it's thirty Seconds here to release the way to the head and shake it no and yes and maybe and you can be here as long as time allows or come out of course nice and slow you don't want to get a crazy head rush and we press in all four corners of the feet we do have an opportunity to really pay attention to the foundations of yoga even off the mat you know it's really going to help with foot pain hip pain back pain emotional stress all this stuff so that's super great and then when you rise up to that Wootton asana you're literally at a place to kind of repeat this cycle over so if you're practicing this at home just to kind of get these in your yoga tool belt you can repeat all the poses we just did now rolling up so kind of doing it as a sequence rolling up finding your Mountain swimming the fingertips behind opening side body stretch sorry I had a little bit quad stretch good Tadasana awesome you can always take a second to kind of ground to the big picture and we'll do that to sign off today so bring the palms together take a deep breath in we lift the sternum to the thumbs take a deep breath out and we bow the head to the heart surrendering to the big picture connecting to the big picture and also honoring ourselves and one another thanks for sharing your practice with me take your yoga off your mats and into the everyday good luck namaste