what's up everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene today on the foundations of yoga we're learning standing splits so you've request that we start to carve through the advanced postures this is one of them but it's beginner friendly as well because we're going to work it from the ground up with lots of integrity and lots of love so hop on your mat and let's begin well writing my friends so to get into the posture day we're going to start on all fours moving nice and slow making sure that as we learn new postures and return to the basics that were being really mindful of how we get in and out of things so that we can make sure that it feels good so you might even sneak in a little cat-cow here why not and then when you're ready we'll lift the right foot up and come into a nice low lunge lifting the back leg you might keep it down for a breath or two while you stretch out your lower body connect to your breath and whenever you're ready keep that front knee stacked over the front ankle as we reach the fingertips up strong powerful pose here coming into a high lunge and the reason we're coming here is to really kind of connect to strength power stability in the lower body and keep this awareness in the upper body of course too so we're reaching up we're finding the strength in the lower body and I'm also pulling my right hip crease back making sure to remember foundations of high lunge here nice lengthening of the tailbone down just paying attention to the sacrum here inhale in here one more strong breath and then exhale back to your low lunge awesome now we're going to slowly hop the left toes in a couple times you have to do it all in one and then on a big big exhale so take a deep breath in on a big exhale we'll lift the back leg up so we're going to build this in fact I'd like to invite you to forget what you know about the shape of standing split so we know this big big thing see if you can just keep it nice and low have integrity and mindfulness as we build this posture so I can actually do a higher one but I'm going to keep it nice and low and I encourage you to to even if you think you can go higher keep a soft bend in your standing leg foundations of yoga pressing into all four corners of the standing foot fingertips on the mat long beautiful neck here just to start so lots of awareness in the shoulders we might begin to feel a shake so strengthening strengthening that standing leg and really kind of connecting to our core here and then I'm going to slowly press out really slow so bend your left knee and then slowly press out awareness through all four corners of that left foot flexing the left foot and spreading the left toes now everyone energetically draw your right hip and take maybe take your right thumb and energetically pull your right hip up here so we're kind of leveling the buttocks here squaring the hips and times we call it and I'm going to take one more breath here and then on an exhale I'm going to release back down also come back to all fours sit back on your heels and take a rest how's one let's try to get in the same side okay back to all fours find your breath and then we'll step the right foot up in your own time make your way up to that high lunge for one swift breath inhale in pull the right hip crease back connect to the power of the legs and on an exhale release then we'll step the left toes up and on an exhale press into the standing leg draw energy up from the arch of that right foot this time maybe the palms come to the mat and I'd like to invite you to really tone your left quadricep here so engage the left quad as you press into your left foot and again we go through our checklist spreading awareness through all four corners of the feet finding length awareness in the neck and shoulders this time we can allow the crown of the head to draw down and we pull the right hip crease back hug the outer ribs in so nice awareness here in the torso and we breathe tuck the chin into the chest if you can or keep your gaze down nice and strong great so we're leveling the hips here and we're focusing on sensation rather than shape so we kind of blast through then we never really get to a nice beautiful standing split or at least we can't evolve it kind of stays that way so forget what you see in the magazines and just focus on the sensation here nice strong pulls one more breath and then we use an exhale to release awesome coming back through the lung and then all fours feel free to sit on the heels here or maybe this time you rest in a Child's Pose feel free to wiggle out the fingertips rotate the wrists anything and everything that feels good here lead and I'll go hahaha then we'll slowly come back up and we'll try the same thing on the other side so from all fours we step the left foot up into our lunge curl the right toes under come through that low lunge stretch it out here for a couple breaths and then when you are ready we'll inhale sweep the fingertips up and overhead and just connect to the power of the legs here so I like to bend my right knee lengthen the tailbone down pull the left hip crease back so I'm really coming into the power of the legs and already paying attention to my sacrum here so that when I come into the posture I can work to keep that nice and flat nice and stable inhale in wherever you are and use your exhale to return back down and then we'll step the right toes in once twice three times the standing split just kidding inhale in exhale lift the right leg up high so a couple of things I'll show you on this side if you're watching or if you can just listen to my voice here the right hip wants to stack over the left and so I'm going to draw my right toes down towards the yoga mat and level out the buttocks level out the hips pull the left hip crease back and again we can tone that right quad stay long in the neck draw energy up from your standing leg careful not to lock that standing knee deep breath in here everybody and then exhale back to your low lunge we're just going to take our break here in the lunge this time so one breath in and a long breath out and then we'll return to the high lunge so here we go on a swift breath in common to your power high lunge exhale straight to standing split maybe you do it in one step this time and maybe that's just some where we head later other options to head for are wrapping the arms around the calf here maybe it's just one arm to start maybe eventually we get both so really working from the ground up though adding things on with time and with breath wherever you are take one more breath in radiates energy throughout the entire body make sure you're not clenching in the neck and shoulders and then we'll slowly release back to the low lunge and we'll plant the palms and step the left toes back to a downward dog pedal it out walk the feet to the center of the mat and then we'll slowly roll it up nice work everyone deep breath in as you rise up into Mountain Pose and exhale shake it off alright my friends awesome works that was the basics of standing splits this is a wonderful posture to return to you know once a week or when you're doing your home practice play time to see how evolves and grows be patient be kind really work on you know building these poses from the ground up so you can have a strong foundation to fly free I'll see you next time free yoga videos every Wednesday questions comments down below I love guys take good care