- Hello, my dearest friends, new and old, far and wide. Adriene here, and Benji's over there behind the plant. And I have a very exciting announcement for you. Roll it. (soft upbeat music) It is that time of year, and I am so very honored, thrilled, excited, you can see the smile on my face, to invite you to a very special project. This is a 30 day journey that we do each year on the Yoga With Adriene YouTube channel. If you can believe it, this is our eighth year, and each year I try to design the program to be a response to what I'm feeling in our community and just across the globe our current state is. So this is something that I pick up on throughout the year and through observation of community comments and conversations, and then real-life conversations between my friends and family, we land on this theme. And this year, January 2022, we are gonna be focusing on the theme of movement and its powerful, powerful impact that it can have on the brain and the body and the heart too. Okay, so everyone is invited. Indeed, this program is designed for all types. So you show up as the individual, but we are practicing together. And no one is a stranger to virtual gathering at this point. So this really is a celebration of everything that we've been through. You get to connect to yourself while connecting to people all across the globe. This program is entirely free. There is no credit card required. It is a total gift from my heart to yours. And all you have to do is sign up so that you can receive the free goodies that accompany the free yoga practices, which will live on YouTube. You'll receive a downloadable calendar so you can follow throughout the month as well as a written component that accompanies each practice each day. And this is a really beautiful part of the program where you get to kind of go a little more in depth off the yoga mat and see how the philosophy of yoga and some of these questions and opportunities for contemplation that you experience on the mat can help us in our everyday life as well. All I ask, after you sign up, is that you subscribe to the Yoga With Adriene YouTube channel. I'm so glad that you are here. This is a really special time of year where I feel like we get to pause and get clear on how we wanna move throughout the year, the upcoming year. We get to ask ourselves questions like, "What do I wanna move towards? "What matters most? And, "Why does how I move matter in the world?" I am really honored to be able to share this project again for another cycle. Thank you so much to Find What Feels Good members, I get emotional thinking about it, (laughs) for allowing us to keep the Yoga With Adriene YouTube channel healthy and alive. And yeah, I'm just really excited. So accountability is awesome. Please invite your friends and your family. (chuckles) My friend behind the camera here is giggling at me because I'm emotional. But this thing is gonna kick off on January 1st. If you've never done this program before, January 1st is kind of like a welcome day, an orientation day. And then we begin with our practice on the mat on January 2nd. So I look forward to seeing you January 1st. Until then, get yourself signed up, share it with your friends and family, and have a beautiful holiday season. Take good care. (soft upbeat music)