- Hi, everyone, welcome to Home, your 30-day yoga journey. Today is Day 7, the day in which we take a break off the wrists and we stretch it all. Let's get started. (upbeat gentle music) Alright pals, today we're gonna begin standing. Your version. Go ahead and come to the center of your mat and depending on how your mat's oriented to the screen that you're using, you can kind of move it if you need to now so you can see me. Otherwise, as always, please, thank you so much for trusting me. Just use the sound of my voice to guide you. And together we shall make our way back home today starting with a little love for the shoulders and the traps. So you spend a lot of time on your wrists yesterday. We're gonna spend some time off the wrists today and tomorrow. So I got you. Thank you for showing up. Here we go. You're gonna take your right hand to your left shoulder, left neckline and you're going to use your fingers to just kind of press a little kneading effect up and down through the neck line here. And obviously, this will be a little different for everyone so just feel around in there. And today's practices called Stretch, but I'd like to immediately ask you to just kind of stretch your mind. We're not just focusing on the body here. This is our yoga practice so we are uniting the mind and the body with one other thing, and that is this notion, if you will, or this essence of spirit. That part of you that is not your body, it's not your brain, it's this part that is uniquely you. And we'll just put it that way for now. So consider that as we move through our practice, we are going to give you a nice, sweet, stretchy little ditty. But I find the best way to remember to connect to that spirit or that soul or whatever you want to call it, this essence that's not your your body and not the story that your mind tells but this other thing, if you will. I think the best way to tap into that 'cause it can be kind of esoteric thing. We're still massaging here, get in there. I think the best way to tap into that is by treating your breath with a little more respect. So it's cool, this is a practical tool. By paying attention to the breath, by bringing more loving awareness to the breath, I feel like we have a direct line to connect to this essence that feels, you know, more true, more like us. Alright, switch. Left hand comes to the right shoulder. So if you haven't already, begin to gently deepen your breath. Activating the breath as a means of yes, improving the health and well-being of the mind and body, but also like stirring up this essence that's, this part of you that's not just your physical body, not just those muscles that need a good stretch or a mind that needs to become calm, more calm or still. Just a little food for thought today, stretching, you know, our mind's eye, our imagination, our awareness a little further beyond just maybe the physical body. And if not, then let me tell you, you're going to get a good stretch on today and that's wonderful as well. We're giving a little massage to the right neck line, shoulder line, this big trap muscle. And as you continue here on the right side, we're also deepening the breath. You can just notice if you're locked out in the knees here. Maybe that is a tendency and that's a-okay but you can start to soften. Maybe you notice you're carrying a little bit of your weight in the back of your feet or maybe in the front. Or maybe we notice the pattern of the toes turned out which is no problem or the toes turned in, all good but maybe we can experiment with toes pointing forward, soft bend in the knees, finding that lift up through the front, and as we release the hands gently to our sides, finding that grounding energy through the back. And we're just kind of turning on, right? Lighting up, activating this awareness, this body awareness from the soles of the feet all the way up to the crown. I'm gonna leave it to you to find that breath awareness. Good and then on your next inhale send the fingertips out left to right, big stretch. And all the way up towards the sky. Big breath. And then as you exhale, go ahead and float 'em all the way down. Fingertips are going to interlace behind your tailbone. You can square off at the wrist here. Should feel really good after yesterday's practice or you can even work to bring the palms together shoulder blades really drawing in. So maybe you don't come here just yet. Maybe we can work towards this bind. In the meantime, you can work nice and open here in the palms, squaring the wrists. Both really beneficial. And then find that nice tall Mountain Pose, reinvigorate your breath. Inhale in. Exhale, drop your chin to your chest and actively draw your knuckles down towards your heels. Soften through the forehead, soften your jaw. Then inhale, lift the chin back parallel to the floor, release the fingertips and with a big breath in reach up towards the sky. Excellent, this time palms come together, we interlace the fingertips up and overhead and then you can keep the index fingers extended here. We call this steeple grip, reaching up high. Dig into all four corners of the feet, especially the heels if you live in your toes a lot, which a lot of people do, and we're gonna take it nice and easy over to the right side as you bump the hips actively to your left. So we're reaching to the right as we bump the hips actively to the left. Big, big, big stretch. Inhale, lift the chin slightly. Exhale from center. Come all the way back through. Good, inhale, stand a little taller. Ground through the feet. Exhale, tip it over to the left. Actively reaching right hip bone towards the right. Here we go, hug the low ribs in you got this. Pull the thumbs back. Inhale, lift your chin just slightly. And then exhale from your core from center, come all the way back up through. Beautiful. Inhale to reach for the sky. Exhale, float the fingertips down. We're gonna interlace behind the back again. This time see if you can take the opposite thumb on top. So even if you don't remember, just feel it out. It's gonna be the one that feels a little funky. A little weird, which weird is good. In my humble opinion. What do you think, Benji? He said keep it weird, okay. Opening up through the chest, stretching through the forearms, little wrist love here. Little bit unique to everyone, not a little bit, very unique to everyone, so it's hard to do kind of a one size fits all I've realized in this experience with Yoga With Adriene has really I think made me a better teacher and taught me just how true this is. So honor the natural curvature of your spine but there is a tendency maybe here to let the pelvis tilt out. So you might consider lengthening your tailbone down and it might feel like your hip points are going up high towards the sky when you do that. Just getting your center underneath you. Okay, inhale in here. Exhale, listen carefully. You're going to bend your knees. Now we'll take the hips way back. You're going to draw a big line with the knuckles all the way up towards the ceiling as you come into a Forward Fold. Breathe, breathe, breathe. You can bend your knees as generously as you like here. And then the shoulders are kind of going to want to defy gravity here as you reach the knuckles up towards the sky. So we find a little lift up and out of that ball and socket for three, you're doing great. Two, careful to not hold in the neck here. Don't want to create any unnecessary tension. And on the one, bend the knees, dig into the heels, roll it back up and simply release back to your Mountain. Excellent. Pause, just observe the breath. What if that were true? What if we could consider the breath our spirit? So instead of breathing deep or mastering these pranayama techniques, because that is what we're told to do in yoga, we peel back one more layer of the onion and we see that there's always a why behind the doing and that it can be unique to us all and we can also share meaning but what if your breath were your spirit? Day 7. Okay. We're gonna step the feet nice and wide. You guys get what I'm saying? So it's not like, "Oh, Adriene told me to breathe deep and "breathing deep is good for me." It's like, why? What is that connection and what can it do for you? If you were to just maybe stretch your mind, open your mind a little bit beyond just the task. Oh, yeah, we're going home. We're going there this year, guys. Turn your big toes in. Really press into the outer edge of the feet. If your mat's a little bit slippery, this is common, use what you got, baby. There is this strong, powerful tool of the midline to kind of actually like it's almost like a superhero vibe where instead of just spilling into the earth, right, we're creating this yielding. We're lifting up. This is also how we take a lot of pressure out of the joints in many of these postures. Okay, speaking of the superhero, go ahead and bring your hands to the waistline here. Just pay attention. What's going on in the hips, in the pelvis? Is it coming in? Are we sitting here? Ey! Or can we kind of stack up through the spine? Alright, inhale in. Keep the hands on the hips. I'm going to come to the back edge here but you're probably fine wherever you are. Try to keep this open as we inhale in. Use the image of leaning forward to look into a pond to kind of keep this open. Elbows are gonna draw back, best you can. Neck is gonna be nice and long, just like we do in that halfway lift in our Sun Salutations. And we're finding that nice straight line here. Now, you may come here before the spine starts to round and so just stay here. So I've been practicing long. I can send my sits bones back. I can hug my front body kind of up defying gravity to meet my back body and create this nice flat back position. But just play and then notice how your breath has kind of disappeared. This conscious, deep, full breath. Bring it back in. Excellent, now ground through the feet. Draw energy up from the arches of the feet through the inseam of the legs and slowly begin to rise back up with that flat back position in mind. Yay! Excellent. Alright, from here we're gonna bring the heels in and keep the toes out. You might bring your stance in just a little bit more so that your feet are just a little bit wider than hip width apart. Alright, hands are to come to the thighs here. This should feel good after yesterday's Ignite practice. You're going to take your hands to the tops of the thighs sink deep down into this Goddess or God-like pose, also known as Horse Pose. And we're just gonna slowly get down real low. Start to wake up these beefy muscles, the quads. And then inhale in, lift your chest, your heart. Exhale, you're gonna dip your right shoulder down towards the center, coming in through center as you twist to the left. So there's a little bit of a tendency to collapse right ear to right shoulder here. I see it all the time. But you guys have your awareness from the crowd to the tail to play with here and it's gonna help you get a better twist in that mid back. This is part of the back that doesn't get a lot of movement, in my opinion. So we're here. We're also stretching these beautiful, yummy muscles in the front line that we fired up yesterday. Inhale to come back to center. If you can, try to stay nice and low if the legs are tired or if you're waking up these muscles for the first time in a long time, you can straighten the legs. It's not cheating. It's listening to your body. And we're going to take it to the other side. Still with the shoulders. Find the yumminess, that stretch in the upper back. Try to keep the neck nice and long. Hug low ribs in. Again, we're trying to get a twist in that thoracic spine as well. If the knees are coming in here, use your tools from all your Warriors. Press in to the outer edges of your feet. Take one more breath, sink nice and low. And then back to center, feel free to straighten the legs here. We're gonna take it one more time to each side and just listen to the sound of your breath. Back to center if you haven't already, taking it to the right. Mhmmm, mhmmm and then back to center, here we go. We'll rise up strong, the toes are going to stay out. You might widen your stance for this one if you want to really take up space, which I encourage. Here we go, Star Pose. Think of just the big X marks the spot. Lengthen tailbone down. Shoulder blades in together and down. Upward current of energy through the front body. If you feel comfortable here, close your eyes. Feel your breath lift you. And feel the exhale, soften the shoulders. Again, use the inhale to fuel an expansion. And use your exhale to feel a softening, a surrender. Do one more on your own. You got this. See what happens. Beautiful, slowly float the hands down. We'll take them back to the waistline. Alright, so toes now I'm going to turn forward. So we did out, we did in, now forward. Reset through the spine nice and long. Soft bend in the knees. Here we go. You're going to inhale, reach the arms all the way up towards the sky, big breath. Exhale, nice and easy. We're gonna take the left fingertips all the way towards the right toes. Keep your right arm reaching up high. Great, inhale, come back all the way up, fingertips reach towards the sky. Exhale, right fingertips to left toes. So most of us are like, "Oh, I've done this in gym class before." But can you bring all of the vocabulary that we've learned together thus far into this little dance? Inhale, reach up high. Exhale, slow and steady, draw your navel in and up. Shine your butt to the back. Think of the body as one moving part here. Just see what that does and careful not to rush it. So we're going back and forth. Find your own rhythm. I'm not going to cue it, but you're going to inhale to center and exhale to twist. And moving with a nice, honorable breath helps here. If for some reason today you are, maybe you're on the road in a hotel room. You're practicing. Home is where the heart is. Maybe you're not actually at your physical home. If space is tight, you can do this nice and underneath yourself as well. So keep it going. If you can find a nice audible breath here for this last round. And just a little micro bend in the knees, my friends, careful not to lock. Okay, go ahead and even it out. One more on each side. And then I'll meet you back at the top. Inhale, reach of the sky. You're gonna heel-toe, heel-toe, very ancient philosophical yogic move. Heel-toe, heel-toe your feet so that your heels are right underneath your hips. Volcano Pose. Palms face each other as if you're holding a sphere. Thumbs back, pinkies forward. Keep 'em up, you got this. Hug the low ribs in. Find that containment in your middle. Good, inhale in. Exhale, slow and steady, just the right arm comes down. And slow and steady left arm all the way down. Mountain Pose, Tadasana. Great work. Okay, now we're gonna step to the top of the mat, nice and slow. Zip the legs together, really together. Feel the zip. (chuckles) There's a theater game, "Zip, Zap, Zop," if you know it. I'm sorry, (laughs) no, just kidding. If you know it tell us in the comments. I love it. Okay, shifting our weight to the right foot. Peel the left heel up, just the left heel. Interlace the fingertips. You're gonna lift your left knee up as if it were on a marionette string. Use your core and we're just gonna squeeze that left knee up and in. You should feel nice stretch in the left glute. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. Rotate the right ankle one way and then the other. And then here stay where you are or option to open it up to the left just a little bit. Digging into all four corners of that right foot. We're here or opening up just a bit. Great, and then slowly release. Zip the legs together, find your midline. And then same thing on the other side. Shifting weight, spreading it evenly through all four corners of your left foot. Activate. Activate and then lift your right heel first. Then the marionette string. I have my middle, my center involved. Then squeeze and lift, rotate the ankle if it feels right. Then stay here tagging a little weight down in the shoulders or the elbows. Option to open it up here, maybe hooking right elbow to the right knee or using your hand. If you fall off balance way to give it your best effort. Way to have fun and way to throw yourself off balance. Alright, let that go. Zip up the legs super tight. Big inhale to reach for the sky. Palms kiss together. Jai Namaste and we take it all the way down, Forward Fold. Breathe here. Bend your knees. Feel that stretch in the low back. Awesome. Inhale, catch a wave, halfway lift here. Exhale to soften and fold. Inhale, reach for the sky, ground through the feet. Big breath, big stretch. Exhale, hands to heart. Shift your weight to your right foot. Peel your left heel up high. This time we're gonna lift the the left toes up, left heel and we might reach behind to catch the left ankle or the top of the left foot. Then squeeze your left knee in, get that great stretch through the quad, lengthen tailbone down, as we discussed before, to feel more spaciousness and ultimately more impactful stretch, perhaps. A more sensational stretch. One singular sensation (humming). He takes it. We're balancing, Adriene. Here we go. Go ahead and flip your hand to the left inner arch or you can keep it there when gonna start to kick this left foot back nice and slow. Take your right hand forward to balance, your choice. Palms face up or palm face down. Then we'll take the heart forward. Just focus on the sensation, the journey. We'll visit this posture again along this ride. Just kicking left foot out, opening up through the chest. Use that inhale to really expand, expand, expand. And exhale to ground. Good, and then slowly reel it back in. Hug the left knee up into the chest. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. And then release. Right into the other side. Zip the legs up tight. Stand up tall, breathe in. Breathe out. Lift the right heel. And here we go, lifting the right toes. We're gonna grab the top of the foot or the ankle first. Get that big stretch in the front of the right hip crease, the quad. Shoulders stay relaxed, heart lifted. You might just work here today. If we're working on a little balance and stability, you might use a wall or a chair or a piece of furniture to just be here and work with some of this vocabulary. So try not to get discouraged. Right? Work with what you got and stay present with yourself on this ride back home. We got this. Here we go. Option to flip the hand to the right inner arch. Squeeze that right knee in, inhale in. Find the lift. Let your breath lift. Exhale, we start to kick the right foot out. Soft bend that standing leg. You got this. Here we go. Experimenting on the other side, using the breath to lift and expand in and using the exhale out to ground. Soften, balance it out. Soften. Beautiful. One more breath here, you got it, inhale. And that exhale from center, navel draws in. That's what reels everything all the way back in like a fishing line. And we'll squeeze the right knee up and in. Stack up through the spine and then ever so gently, best you can, place that right foot down. Awesome. Here we go. From here, send the fingertips out left to right. Big inhale. Capture some magic. Bring it in. Namaste, palms together. Twice more like that. Inhale, out. Gather it up. And bring it back in. And now you know the action, you can soften your gaze or close your eyes for this last one. Here we go. Inhale, spread the fingertips. Take up space. Remember that Star Pose? Reach all the way up towards the sky. And then bring it back down inward towards your heart. Towards home. Pause. Observe. Just notice. Thank you for sharing your time and your amazing energy with me and all of the people who showed up for practice today, Day 7. Take a deep breath in. And as you exhale, bow your head to your heart. Tomorrow is a wonderful day (chuckles) so please don't miss it, Day 8. But in the meantime, thank you. I wish you well. Namaste. (upbeat gentle music)