- What's up everyone? Welcome to the "Yoga With Adriene" vlog. I'm Adriene, that's Benji, and I'm back in Austin, Texas, and I'm here to talk with you and share with you about my trip to New York City. New York City? (acoustic guitar music by Wild Child) So, first of all, I just have to take a second to tell you how much I freaking love the Austin airport. It's so compact, and efficient, and beautiful. It's always so clean and friendly. Has great books, great barbeque, great breakfast tacos. And it has a water filtration stop. Filtration seems like a weird word, but that's all right. So this time, I got smart, I took my water bottle, filtered my water, and got on the plane. Just a little shout out to Austin airport, love it so much. And then it was time to hit the big city. So I'm a Texas girl, but I've been lucky enough to be traveling to New York since I was a teenager. One of my best friends, a lot of my good friends, but one of my very best friends went to NYU there, so I've been visiting him ever since we were youngins. I remember sneaking into, sneaking me into his dorm just so I could have a free place to stay, back in the day. And it was special because he has been living in Buenos Aires for several years now, and so this was the first year that he's been back in the city with his partner, and so it was just perfect timing for me, perfect alignment, to be returning to the city, not sneaking into dorm rooms anymore, but there, of course, to share in my love of yoga, and celebrate the community. So, here's what happened. We posted the class for Sunday, and it sold out so fast that we thought we'd better add another one. So, we were able to add another class on Saturday, at the House of Jai Yoga Studio, beautiful studio. People were coming in, we had a wait list. And everyone was just smiles for miles. I noticed in this class, this one was a really grounded group, super cool, really grounded, really smart. So we were in the studio downstairs at the beautiful House of Jai, and we packed them in like sardines, which seems appropriate because that's Manhattan-style yoga for you right there. And, once again, I was just blown away by hearing people's stories, getting to feel, get a feel for what people are doing at home. I only have an idea, and I know what I do, but it's so awesome and so inspiring, really beautiful to hear people's stories and how they participate in self-love and yoga practice and fitness, even, at home. So that was a blast. A little treat for me after the House of Jai class, was that my cousin, Alicia, who is like a sister to me, I'm an only child, but if I had a sister, it would be Alicia. And so she took the bus down to meet me, and I was so grateful, and so we got to have a bit of a girls night together, which was really nice. We made the trek up from House of Jai to the Botanical Gardens. Ultimately, we were headed to the Frida Kahlo exhibit there. So, we had a lovely afternoon. Actually, it's kind of the perfect time to go to the Frida Kahlo exhibit at the Botanical Gardens because it was Saturday night, and ain't no one doing that on a Saturday night, at least at that time, at closing time. Then, I got to bed early because we had one more class, this time at Reflections. This was the first class where, I just admit, I gotta keep it real, I felt grounded, I felt more confident. I don't know if it was just the timing or if I was just starting to learn from the feedback I was getting at the other roadshow stops. Or maybe it was my cousin there, but I felt ready to rock. We all gathered outside Reflections Studio. This is the studio that we had our first-ever Yoga with Adriene meetup in. But they actually moved locations, but same sort of vibe, same energy, really welcoming, really beautiful, really kind, really honest. They have a picture of Ammachi Amma on the altar there, and I always think that's just meant to be-- Once again, we piled in there, creating space for everyone, so that we could come together, breathe, move, celebrate. A lot of the folks in this class were people that participate in our "Find What Feels Good" facebook group. We have a private group for people who do the programs Empower, Reboot, things like that. So, we always have people from that group, but this one seemed to have a lot of special people that I met the first yoga meetup, too, and people that I've just come to really know and love, via the internet, and in a more intimate way because we had the group. So it was really, really fun and inspiring. We laughed, we cried, we danced, we sweat a lot. And then we were so lucky to end class with another group picture. And then walk over to Stuyvesant Square Park where we shared in some fruit, and some sparkling water, and shared our stories, took some photos. People from the class the day before joined us. It was really nice to look around and see other people talking and sharing stories. And then we had other people come out, just to say "hi," people that couldn't make the class, or didn't make it in the registration this time, but will next time, and, man, love was in the air. It was just a beautiful day in the park, it was Sunday in the park with YWA. (laughing) Been waiting to say that for weeks. Yeah, it was really lovely, and I just feel like I'm probably going to be saying the same thing every time I do a vlog for this, but I just cannot tell you how amazing and how wonderful everyone was. Every single person I met was truly remarkable. These were awesome people. You guys are awesome. People, I'm like, "Can we be friends?" So thank you for your presence. Thank you for your honesty. Thanks for making it out. I know it's an effort, especially in the city. Thank you to everyone who traveled there to practice, and to be there, you know who you are. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, everyone who helped make our two beautiful meetups in New York possible. After our beautiful meetups were done, I said a prayer, gave a big prayer of thanks, and then was able to explore the city a little bit. So I met up with my friends Leo and Jen from Just Eat Life to do some filming. I got to go visit my new colleagues, or collaborators, I'll say, at VHX, who are freaking so awesome, and what they do is amazing. They come from roots that I really respect and admire, and just everything that they do, I think, is super right on and we're super excited to be a part of it. So, if you're wondering about that, I'll put a link in about YWA and VHX down below. Benji's whining, so we'd better wrap this up. Kids! Ultimately, the trip was an amazing experience, full of gratitude, lots of walking, which is always good, lots of laughs, great food, great company, great conversations about where we're headed and what we want to do with our practice and with this community. So, I'm super grateful for that. And, ultimately, I end, of course, a nice beautiful trip in New York with a beautiful rooftop cocktail and great old friends with a beautiful view of the city. Thanks so much to everyone who came out. Thanks so much for everyone who is supporting the road show even from afar. We feel you there in spirit with us. LA, you're next! Toodle-loo, toodle-loo, toodle-loo. (piano music)